It is written in the book of LIFE by one who is called the 'Ancient of days' or also known
as SANAT KUMARA, it is written that "from the many come the ONE, and from the ONE
come the many". The OM is the silent 'pulsation' that beats within the heart of all expressed
life, signalling the way back to and return to the ONE from whence we all came from.
The beat of the OM arises from within the ONE , the SOURCE of all expressed life
universally, reminding us all that our real home lies within your heart, and not on planet
Earth. The master-tone of the OM pulsation connects directly to our inner consciousness,
and the entrance into that place comes by listening to that inner small voice which whispers
to us in times of trial, and emotional turmoil, this inner small voice is our INTUITION
impinging upon our consciousness.
Intuition is basically the inner still small voice of our immortal divine soul. If we can learn to
cultivate this inner still small voice, by taking up some regular practice such as meditation or
yoga, we will then literally and factually begin to be "TAUGHT FROM WITHIN" which is
what the real meaning of the word intuition actually means, being taught from within by being
established in contact and thereby building a rapport with your intuition which then begins
to 'unfold before your very gaze' the realization and the revelation that your intuition,
some also think of as your conscience, is actually dawning on you and revealing its true stature
of actually being your very own Divine Immortal Soul.
The Biblical phrase on "many are called but few are chosen" does not MEAN that some other
ENTITY does any choosing, like accepting you and rejecting this one, what this injunction
actually means is this, many are indeed called, and the caller is the INFINITE ABSOLUTE
OM, the OM pulsates within the heart chakra of every soul upon this planet, we within
OUR SELVES decide whether or not to HEED THE CALL, it seems though that FEW
actually CHOSE to take NOTICE, look within themselves and set about establishing contact
with our higher self the immortal divine soul. While the many ignore this inner invitation and
thereby remain fast asleep until the next incarnation, when intuition will try again to get your
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization/
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