Saturday 15 May 2021


 This universe is basically a THEATRE  of 'MOTION'  in which all the players exercise

their roles in the play on the stage of motional expression. Most of this motional expression

is within an unconscious state, and thereby the role-play acts automatically within the energy

signature of the unconscious entity, although unconscious, experiences are still being formatted

within the living unconscious entities inner energy matrix.

We as human beings have an additional motion added to our matrix, which is that of (E) MOTION

self conscious ,self aware being, we have that "I" am self aware consciousness.

Mankind which is currently being expressed within  7.8 billion souls. What in FACT is being 

expressed is just 'ONE SELF' FRACTALIZED 7.8 billion times, and each fractal of the

MONADIC SELF is being expressed within a SINGULARITY point of reference  and 

anchored within this dimensional physical realm, within a doughnut shaped double torus

field of undulating electromagnetic energy. Our centre point of reference is within the heart

chakra and also connected within the crown chakra. we as an expressed physical form stand

within the dead-centre of the double torus field, 

The Monadic  SELF literally PUNCHES a HOLE from the ABSOLUTE STILLNESS of

the absolute into this relative universe where all is perpetual motion, this 'HOLE' is thereby

represented as the singularity point of reference  in which we as fractal expressions of the one

SELF are all acting out our varied roles of the stage set of expressed emotional life.

This universe is like an infinite film stage lot, we operate only on an infinitesimal  level

here on planet Earth. When we all finish up here on Earth, there is an infinite amount of other

worlds and dimensions we can chose to venture into.

The MASS as spelt out in this blog today means literally that all of ALL expressed LIFE and

that includes every atom in this universe, will eventually reach SELF AWARE 

CONSCIOUSNESS, and when that occurs this universe will DISSOLVE  back into the 

MONADIC SELF eventually, then all MOTION will cease, and silence and stillness will

reign SUPREME.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

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