Sunday 30 May 2021


 The KEYS to the KINGDOM of LIFE everlasting lie directly within you dear reader. When

we are 21 years old it was said we get the keys to our home, now days it is most likely much

earlier, unless we are saving up for a mortgage, then it will be years later.

The most important keys you will ever receive in all your past lives and this present one, is

the KEYS that will unlock the reality of your true immortal SOUL.

We all reach a point in one life time or another, when we feel an urge to fill an empty space

within us, a deep inner emotion arises within us, and we feel a sort of fragmentation within 

us, something we instinctively know is missing from our life, and this inner hunger for

fulfilment  can lead us in a merry dance, and into habits that can destroy us if we are not

careful. This emptiness within can be misdirected into binging on food, drugs, or alcohol, in

our ignorance of the real meaning of this inner urge to fill you up, to close up the hole within

you, these urges are from the soul and want you to look within yourself, take up meditation

or yoga, or self enquiry, but instead we think that drugs, alcohol, or food, will plug up this

hole. It might seem to give you satiation for a while, but it will not last, the hunger will still

burn deeply within you.

What we are dealing with is a HOLE within you, an emptiness that demands FILLING 

when you can understand that what is MISSING is the "REAL YOU" not the cardboard

Cut out  that is the physical vehicle!!  

When you make the transition and look within yourself for the answer to your hollowness

you then add a very precious letter to your present condition, this precious LETTER

is the Letter "W" because when you add the W to the word HOLE you fill the GAP 

within and thereby become "W H O L E " and no longer fragmented.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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