Tuesday 4 May 2021


 We are all on a journey that will ultimately lead us all back home! Where is home I hear you ask?

Home is where your heart is, and your heart is within the centre of your being. Our true home is

hidden within us, and will be revealed to us when we fully awaken from our aeon slumber.

The word home is the destination we are all heading to one day at a time. The first and last

letter of the word HOME spell out H E  our harmonic epiphany will become realised when

we fully know ourselves to be immortal divine beings (souls).

The two inner letters spell out OM, this is the mighty monotone pulsation of the heart beat

of the SOURCE of all life universally. The OM is a beacon that pulsates within us all, and

if we tune into its rhythm it will gently lead us into an expanded awareness and consciousness

which then will impinge upon our selves as a dawning into our real eternal nature and heritage.

All life literally is a dance of motional expressions, and within the ballroom, which is EARTH

we all dance to the tune of the mighty OM. If you replace the word DANCE for EXPERIENCES

It will be much plainer to see. Each day we dance to the tune of our expectations and what we

feel responsible for, each experience brings us one step closer to joining up all the dots, and 

thereby revealing the big picture of our true identity.

Our EPIPHANY will DAWN UPON US when we have made inroads within ourselves  and

have begun seeking the silence within us, temporally disengaging from OUT THERE and 

thereby venturing within ourselves, we can do this with ether meditation yoga, or some other

method you may have that will reveal what lies beneath this FACADE of FORM?

There is a  longing within us all for that of complete WHOLENESS we all crave in our hearts

for perfect peace and serenity. to feel totally SAFE and WHOLE COMPLETE, we all want

to stand in the LIGHT, and release our shadow. The loving monotone of the OM will guide us

all safely HOME, if we but tune ourselves into its DIVINE RHYTHM.

Warmest regards Michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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