Sunday 6 October 2024



This blog today entitled WHAT'S UP ! Is about the waking up process that is taking

place on this planet today within the human race. Tend of millions of us are all well

on the way to being within the process of waking up into a full understanding of just

who and what we really are. There are literally tens of millions of us who are meditating

daily and practicing yoga. Just like a flower that takes days to fully open up and bloom,

so too within the human race, millions are beginning to show clear signs of blossoming.

What is the truth that we need to know? What we all need to know is WHO and WHAT 

we truly ARE! That is the SOLE reason we are all here on EARTH, to WAKE UP, and

smell those Proverbial ROSES. When we can acknowledge that we are all three fold

beings, physical, mental, and spiritual , a three fold TRINITY presentation upon this 

planet. When we can wake up to seeing that we are all spiritual beings. Then we can 

awaken into the realization that there is a DIVINE PRESENCE that dwells within 

each human being. WHAT'S UP is about looking within ourselves seeing and accepting

that we are all spiritual beings ,  then looking inward and seeking access to this Divine

PRESENCE that dwells within us all. THIS PRESENCE  is your HIGHER SELF

A Divine ATOM that resides within your heart chakra. By meditating and seeking 

out this HOLY PRESENCE within you , will begin to become awakened into your

true IMMORTAL Divine inner Nature. By seeking out this inner PRESENCE 

which is part of your INTUITION you will begin to engage conscious contact with

this Divine Presence of your Higher Self. When this occurs you are then well on your way

to Full SELF REALIZATION, and waking up to your Immortal Divine Identity.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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