Monday 7 October 2024



This blog today entitled SEEDLING is about how all life being expressed within

this universe is that of a DREAM within Absolute MIND, which became an IDEA

and this IDEA became the SEEDLINGS of that ONE Primordial IDEATION

sequence from within Absolute MIND. All life being expressed within this universe 

is the product of THOUGHT that have BECOME THINGS. Thoughts are the intangible

NOUMENON  SPIRIT, and the THINGS become the phenomenal  tangible things.

Life is the SEEDED IDEA of the Absolute Mind. From the intangible IDEA life 

became a tangible vibrating intelligent energy life force. Humanity is just an 

Intangible IDEA that has become motioned into a relative spectrum of intelligent

energy, and become caught up in a process which we call evolution. Mankind has

been evolving for billions of years . We have now reached a point of SELF AWARENESS

We are now able to seek within ourselves and begin to see the BIG PICTURE of who and

what we truly all are. Humanity is that of being relative and temporal on the outer periphery

of expression , but deep within our core of being we are ALL Eternal SPIRIT. 

Outwardly being the phenomenon , inwardly we are the NOUMENON. Life is a 

DREAM  that "SEEMS" to be "REAL" and we all think this is so. But the word

"SEEMS" only shows what is SEEN, and not what lies beneath that "FACADE of FORM"

your physical vehicle. When we look deeply within that form we will become IN-FORMED

into the deep measure of what life really is, which is SPIRIT in motion clothed in KOSHIC

sheaths , remove al the KOSHIC sheaths what then would remain?  ETERNAL SPIRIT!

LIFE ends when we fully wake up and fully know who and what "WE" are, then 

ETERNAL BEING UNBORN reality will dawn upon our BEING.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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