Tuesday 1 October 2024



This blog today entitled SIGNED is about how we can all TUNE into our own 

personal GURU by recasting our gaze inward and beginning the regular practice

of meditation or yoga. The reality is that you do not have to search the internet or

look out for a GURU who can guide you into Self Realization, because we each 

have within us our very own personal inner GURU, which dwells within you right

now! We need to first begin a practice of meditation or yoga. When we do that  we

begin to venture deep within our inner being. Our INTUITION is the GATEWAY

and INTERNAL DOORWAY that will lead each one of us from ignorance to

Full SELF Knowledge and Spiritual awakening. When we can enter into the inner

silence, still all our thoughts then in that stillness and silence we will become 

SENTSITIZED to the PRESENCE of our INTUITION . Our intuition is the home

of our personal GURU. We will hear its "still small inner voice" which some call 

it the voice of the SOUL.  Our personal inner GURU  which and will be reached if

we enter into the profound inner silence, when all thoughts are stilled in the gateway 

and inner doorway that reveals to us that this inner guru is really that of our HIGHER

SELF our Higher Self  is who you Really ARE, it is your SPIRIT immortal being.

All knowledge and wisdom lie within you right now We are not here to learn anything

rather we are here to UNCOVER what lies beneath this inner layer of ignorance that

hides and veils our true inner being. We are all here to "WAKE UP" and smell those

proverbial roses. Our intuition will guide us to our inner guru , who will then guide us

into our HIGHER SELF , this will begin our waking up procedure.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

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