Wednesday 2 October 2024



This blog today entitled VACUUM will reveal the Divine Intelligence that has brought

about life and existence from out of an ABSOLUTE VACUSOUS VOID of nothingness

and motionlessness  through the Absolute POWER of INTENTION and projected 

IDEATION. This Ab solute Intention thought WAVE , manifested MOTION from 

MOTIONLESSNESS which gave birth to the CAUSELESS CAUSE  that gave birth

to ALL MOTION in this universe, and with that ATOMIC vibration and perpetual

motion. The ABSOLUTE  is the PERFECT VACUUM . motionlessness, omnipresent,

ubiquitous, and eternally still absolute SPIRIT Intelligence . Which is transcendent of

life and all existence. "when the SPIRIT  moves LIFE and all existence come "ONLINE"

Motion equates exactly with that  of atomic energy it it moves has atomic vibration it is

LIFE and has existence.. If it is motionless and eternally still it is absolute SPIRIT.

Vibrations are atomic energy and we need to be mindful that all universal energy is

Intelligent  it all is mindful and obeys the law of motional affinity. Universal life from

our perspective here on Earth seems to be on an evolutional arc of gradual ascension,

and we human beings seemed to have arrived at an APEX POINT in our evolution where

we have evolved into self awareness and I AM consciousness. We have arrived at a point

where we can become fully aware of our true Immortal Spiritual nature. It is hard to 

imagine that evolution is just being localized on planet Earth, and not rather being 

universal. If evolution is universal life elsewhere in this universe may also being waking

up into full self knowing as we human beings gradually are. Maybe soon we will meet

another soul from another planet !

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.comany feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If thi blog resonates with you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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