Tuesday 15 October 2024



This blog today entitled BOGS is about finding out what the word GRACE actually

means, What is GRACE? Does anybody really know? Many seem to think that grace

is bestowed upon a soul that GOD seems to favour. I think there is a much more direct

answer to this and it brings in to the picture of what we call Natural universal law.

Natural law operates within an infinite capacity and is perfect and automatic in its

operation. This LAW enfolds the totality of all phenomenal bodies within this universe.

When we are in total unity with the law of life expression , there is unity and wholeness

of being. What we call GRACE is the result of a being who through its actions and 

thoughts ALIGNS ITSELF with that part of natural law and the result of that

alignment is seen as a BOON  to the one receiving this GRACE. But when we look 

deeply into this BOON of GRACE  we will find that it is not a GOD who has 

bestowed GRACE on this individual, but  rather it the result of that being aligning

itself with that aspect of natural universal law. So in effect and in fact "WE BESTOW

GRACE UPON OURSELVES" by becoming fully aligned with natural law. Our inner

Higher SELF recognizes this inner unity with universal law and this results in what we

call GRACE or a BOON. Humanity are the BESTOWERS of GRACE upon themselves

when we are aligned with natural law. Cause and effect come into play here , if our 

causes are in line with natural law, then the effects will be beneficial to us all, if not then

the results will not be beneficial to us. Think of the word KARMA?

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then  please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 14 October 2024

Sunday 13 October 2024


This blog today entitled QUEST is about the scientific truth of the fact that everything

within this universe is totally and absolutely connected and interconnected to everything

else. There is ONE infinite intelligent ENERGY FIELD that holds the entire universe

in its awesome and absolute embrace. Interconnectivity all life and stars, all planets, 

each interact with each other. There are zero gaps anywhere in this universe. zero empty

spaces. What we call space is that of ONE INFINITE MEDIUM of Intelligent Energy

in which ALL LIFE, ALL STARS, ALL PLANETS. emerge out from that infinite OCEAN

of SPACE  and then OCCUPY  that portion of space by its PRESENCE within it. Humanity

is fully and totally connected and hopelessly fully entangled within all human life expressed

upon this planet. If we had but "EYES TO SEE" we would SEE the "physical motioning"

(YOU AND ME)  all moving through ONE living intelligent FIELD of intelligent ENERGY.

This FIELD enfolds this entire planet within its loving embrace, each human aura field all

our connected and interconnected within the rest of humanity. if you hurt any being ,knowingly

or unknowingly you too will be hurt this is called the law of CORRESPONDENCE or cause

and effect (KARMA) . Natural LAW is totally and infinitely fully connected and within us all

now. QUEST is about understanding the full implications of this realization and therefore 

acting accordingly within our life time experience. All life is ONE wholly connected 

expression of Divine Intelligent energy. Nothing or no one is ever truly alone or abandoned

by the life principle, because we are all ONE expression of DIVINE MIND.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


soul realization: UNDERSTANDING SPIRIT IS NATURAL GATEWAY. ...:   This blog today entitled USING is about us USING our natural Intuitive powers to begin the task of seeking out the true and lasting nature...

Saturday 12 October 2024



This blog today entitled ILLUSIONS asks the question of whether, does our

human life experiences and expression enable us to seek out and become aware

of this NUMEN presence that dwells within each one of us? The word NUMEN

is a LATIN word meaning "a Presiding divinity or Spirit" this presiding divinity

dwells within every human being on this planet. The question is are you dear reader of this 

blog aware of this fact? ILLUSIONS is about how we can each wake up and become 

acutely aware of what lies deep within us all here upon this Earth plane of expression.

Every human being has an NUMEN ATOM  embedded within our heart chakra , this

holy atom is also called our Higher SELF, or the divine PREENCE that dwells within

us all. This Divine NUMEN presence has ZERO to to with if you belong to any religion

or not, or whether you believe in a GOD or not, or if you are an atheist or a total unbeliever

of anything. This Presence, this indwelling spirit is placed in mankind by natural

universal law. Absolute wisdom places this presence within us all. We each have a 

lower ego personality self, which is bases on memory  since birth and interactions with

others like parents and family members. Then we have an HIGHER SELF which connects

directly into that NUMEN SPIRIT which dwells within our heart chakra. Out human

INTUITION is that inner doorway that will eventually lead us into FULL HIGHER

SELF KNOWING. To find and make contact with our intuition  we need to practice

meditation or yoga. SEEK OUT that inner peace within us, when all thoughts are

stilled, here in the inner silence we will make contact with our intuition  when this is

made we will hear an inner voice whispering to us. This is your Higher SELF the NUMEN

spiritual aspect of your TRUE INNER BEING.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


soul realization: SELF PRESENTED IN RELATIVE INTUITIVE THOUGHT....:   This blog today entitled SPIRIT is about how the SELF which is that of  Absolute Spirit (GOD) became relative  within its "IDEA of MO...

Friday 11 October 2024



This blog today entitled AWARENESS is about looking at the nature of awareness

and seeing where this leads. The first thing we notice about awareness is that 

awareness is primordial ,it is the original state, beginning less, endless, uncaused,

unsupported, without parts, without change, unlike consciousness which is a reflection 

against a surface, a state of duality. There can be no consciousness without awareness,

but there can be awareness without consciousness, as in deep sleep. Awareness is 

absolute, consciousness is relative to its content. When our awareness is untainted

by concepts, prejudices, judgments, and beliefs, we will start to experience everything

as it is, and with this unfiltered perception we will then awaken into the ONENESS of

BEING. Awareness is an absolute infinite ocean of absolute infinite MIND which is

that of the SOURCE of all that just "IS". Awareness is like the absolute WOMB 

where all motional IDEATION of THOUGHTS that become THINGS , the things

are what we call LIFE. This universe is fully contained within the MIND of the Absolute

Awareness , consciousness is the motioning reflection of primordial stillness which 

issued out from Absolute MIND. Awareness then becomes conscious and produces 

a relative duality based conscious universe. Absolute awareness holds this relative 

universe in its Absolute Bosom  of eternal stillness, within this stillness motion is

born into life and this relative universe. Absolute awareness is the absolute ocean

of pure Absolute PERFECTION which we sometimes call GOD  or just Absolute

Intelligence . That ONE SINGULAR MIND which is the ALL within ALL "IS".

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Thursday 10 October 2024


soul realization: SOME ARE NOW SEEKING KUNDALINI RISING INTWIN...:   This blog today entitled SANSKRIT which is the classical SACRED language of  HINDUISM, is about how mankind can all become seekers of &quo...



This blog today entitled AIM is about understanding the reality that ALL IS MIND

and THAT MIND is ALL, nought else exists except MIND, Thoughts are motional

IMPULSES within the mind , these impulses within  the mind then become THINGS

in the relative medium of expressed living awareness. All materiality within this universe

is that of MIND which has been condensed and coalesced into density. Mind  is an 

absolute infinite ocean of AWARENESS, awareness is the absolute primal principle

which even totally transcends this relative universe.  Within absolute awareness lies

absolute intelligence which is the MIND of that SPIRIT which JUST "IS". The Mind

is an absolute singularity which means there is only ONE MIND in this universe, one

mind only. All life, all humanity tune into the ONE Absolute Infinite MIND. There is

no such a thing as my mind or your mind, this is an ILLUSION fostered by our gross

ignorance of just who and what we REALLY ARE. "WE" all live and have our being 

"WITHIN" this absolute infinite ocean of MIND which is that of intelligent awareness.

Awareness and mind are an absolute principle immutable and eternal, while consciousness

is relative and is a reflection of awareness reflecting upon an individualized point of 

relative embodied life package. When all thoughts are stilled like when in meditation 

we then become hyper aware of mind expansion , which when this expansion becomes

fully realized  we call this a spiritual awakening. Which means that we now access a 

greater expansion an inner knowing, which means our awareness and mind become 

more inclusive and insightful  of our being an eternal aware being.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


soul realization: HUMANITY ARE SPIRIT SHADOWING LIFE'S EXPRESSI...:   This blog today entitled HASSLE is about the long long journey life has undergone through billions of years of evolution  and has been wit...

Wednesday 9 October 2024


This blog today entitled FEELS is about understanding the most fundamental 

difference between  what is LIFE and that of SPIRIT, from which all life arises 

out of. LIFE all life in this universe consists of SPIRIT which is Absolute and 

unborn eternity, becoming localized and made relative by the process of FOCUSED

Condensing  of Spirit  into a singularity vortex which then localizes the eternal spirit

into a reference point singularity. Which can then enter into this relative space time

continuum, and then become embodied by KOSHIC sheaths which then enable the

localized spirit essence to not becoming into contact with gross physical matter.

Eternal Spirit which is the Absolute UNBORN  TOTAL  Reality, becomes moved

out from Motionlessness and Eternal Bliss, and through a Primordial Thought Intention

WAVE Motioned our from Absolute Mind and into a Maelstrom of CHAOS  that

became this motional relative universe. All life universally is that of being relative 

on its phenomenal outer expression, the the NOUMENON on its inner essence which

is Spirit. Spirit is Absolute and UNBORN Eternity ,life is relative and motional (atomic

Vibration) while spirit is omnipresent and ubiquitous and motionlessness. Life begins

and ends over and over through billions of aeons , while spirit has zero beginnings and

zero endings, the eternal has always BEEN it is Absolute and unchanging. Humanity

consists of eight billion KOSHIC sheaths which all have an ATOM of spirit essence

within the heart chakra. What we call life is the vehicle the spirit uses (YOU) in order

to gain purchase in this dense low vibration medium of Earth. humanity is all Divine

Immortal Spirit within, and a temporal vehicle called life without,.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

soul realization: CYCLES OF LOVE DIVERSIFIED. C O L D .

soul realization: CYCLES OF LOVE DIVERSIFIED. C O L D .:   This blog today entitled COLD spells out the cycles of love being infinitely  diversified throughout this universe, another more familiar ...

Tuesday 8 October 2024



This blog today entitled SIFTING is about how we can all ignite the inner FLAME

of SPIRIT PRESENCE  within us by going within ourselves and practicing meditation

or yoga. The Primal Principle that resides within mankind is that of a Divine Spirit

PRESENCE, This Presence within each one of us is our Primal reality.  It is our

Immortal true being, the eternal UNBORN reality of Divine Spirit. Our physical bodies

are only temporal vehicles that play host to that eternal principle which is our inner

Spiritual SELF.  Each hum an being has a Holy Flame of Life within them. To Ignite

this holy flame we need to look deep within ourselves and seek out that Divine Presence 

within us all. This Divine Presence is found within our inner being ,  the gateway to this

HOLY PRESENCE is often found through  our INTUITION which is the inner doorway

to the HIGHER SELF which in turn will reveal itself to you as your Higher Self which

is your immortal true inner SELF. We all need to realize this inner TRUTH, and that can

only be done by  recasting our gaze inwards. To seek out this inner silence within ourselves

by meditation or yoga. When we can become still and let go of all thoughts, then enter into

the silence, here we make conscious contact with our INTUITION that still small voice within

us,  our intuition will become your inner GURU who will guide you into the point within you

where the PRESENCE DWELLS. making conscious contact with our intuition  we  will

open that inner doorway that will lead us into the FULL REALIZATION  of our Divine 


within us right now. SIFTING is about waking up and igniting the inner flame of Divine

PRESENCE within us all NOW!

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


soul realization: HUMANITIES EARTHLY ENTANGLEMENT DEFINED H...:   This blog today entitled HEED is about an attempt by me to DEFINE the process which I believe will fully explain how that of Humanity is a...

Monday 7 October 2024



This blog today entitled SEEDLING is about how all life being expressed within

this universe is that of a DREAM within Absolute MIND, which became an IDEA

and this IDEA became the SEEDLINGS of that ONE Primordial IDEATION

sequence from within Absolute MIND. All life being expressed within this universe 

is the product of THOUGHT that have BECOME THINGS. Thoughts are the intangible

NOUMENON  SPIRIT, and the THINGS become the phenomenal  tangible things.

Life is the SEEDED IDEA of the Absolute Mind. From the intangible IDEA life 

became a tangible vibrating intelligent energy life force. Humanity is just an 

Intangible IDEA that has become motioned into a relative spectrum of intelligent

energy, and become caught up in a process which we call evolution. Mankind has

been evolving for billions of years . We have now reached a point of SELF AWARENESS

We are now able to seek within ourselves and begin to see the BIG PICTURE of who and

what we truly all are. Humanity is that of being relative and temporal on the outer periphery

of expression , but deep within our core of being we are ALL Eternal SPIRIT. 

Outwardly being the phenomenon , inwardly we are the NOUMENON. Life is a 

DREAM  that "SEEMS" to be "REAL" and we all think this is so. But the word

"SEEMS" only shows what is SEEN, and not what lies beneath that "FACADE of FORM"

your physical vehicle. When we look deeply within that form we will become IN-FORMED

into the deep measure of what life really is, which is SPIRIT in motion clothed in KOSHIC

sheaths , remove al the KOSHIC sheaths what then would remain?  ETERNAL SPIRIT!

LIFE ends when we fully wake up and fully know who and what "WE" are, then 

ETERNAL BEING UNBORN reality will dawn upon our BEING.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

soul realization: MANIFESTED ETERNITY. ME.

soul realization: MANIFESTED ETERNITY. ME.:   This blog today entitled ME is about how that which is Eternal Being , that Absolute SOURCE of all there is and will ever be, has brought ...

Sunday 6 October 2024



This blog today entitled WHAT'S UP ! Is about the waking up process that is taking

place on this planet today within the human race. Tend of millions of us are all well

on the way to being within the process of waking up into a full understanding of just

who and what we really are. There are literally tens of millions of us who are meditating

daily and practicing yoga. Just like a flower that takes days to fully open up and bloom,

so too within the human race, millions are beginning to show clear signs of blossoming.

What is the truth that we need to know? What we all need to know is WHO and WHAT 

we truly ARE! That is the SOLE reason we are all here on EARTH, to WAKE UP, and

smell those Proverbial ROSES. When we can acknowledge that we are all three fold

beings, physical, mental, and spiritual , a three fold TRINITY presentation upon this 

planet. When we can wake up to seeing that we are all spiritual beings. Then we can 

awaken into the realization that there is a DIVINE PRESENCE that dwells within 

each human being. WHAT'S UP is about looking within ourselves seeing and accepting

that we are all spiritual beings ,  then looking inward and seeking access to this Divine

PRESENCE that dwells within us all. THIS PRESENCE  is your HIGHER SELF

A Divine ATOM that resides within your heart chakra. By meditating and seeking 

out this HOLY PRESENCE within you , will begin to become awakened into your

true IMMORTAL Divine inner Nature. By seeking out this inner PRESENCE 

which is part of your INTUITION you will begin to engage conscious contact with

this Divine Presence of your Higher Self. When this occurs you are then well on your way

to Full SELF REALIZATION, and waking up to your Immortal Divine Identity.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 5 October 2024



This blog today entitled TISSUES is about how we that of humanity can and do 

rise up into higher and higher states of awareness and consciousness through looking

within ourselves by the practice of meditation or yoga.  The word TENEBROUS which

is a LATIN word for "dark and gloomy", which describes that inner place within our 

mind where we all begin our inner journey into that spiritual light of realization.

This TENEBROUS spiral stairway rises up from within us. It is akin to what is also

called the JACOB'S LADDER which JACOB saw the angels ascending into the 

vault of Heaven as described in the BIBLE. Which really relates to the ascension 

sequence of the KUNDALINI rising up the SPINAL COLUMN and reaching the

crown chakra, which results in a SAMADHI experience of profound awakening

into SELF Realization. By looking deeply within ourselves we are then beginning

a journey that will lead us out from ignorance into the light of inner wisdom and

expanded awareness and consciousness. Humanity is basically a collection of 

eight billion units of intelligent energy all being contained within an elemental

physical vehicle which we then call our human body. Outwardly we are all physical

vehicles which play HOST to the main master intelligence which is divine spirit

SELF. Humanity each have a Divine ATOM of SELF embedded within the heart

chakra. Our destiny as vehicles in motioning through human experiences is to

be able to WAKE UP into fully knowing who and what you really are, which is

Eternal Divine Spirit SELF. TISSUES is abut us beginning  this waking up sequence

by looking within ourselves and asking that most important question of "WHO AM

I"? By looking deep within yourself you will find out!

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


soul realization: SACREDNESS OF MOTION EXPRESSED. S O M E:   In the beginning was the WORD  and that word was MOTION , this blog today entitled SOME is about how MOTION is SACRED  because it was the ...

Friday 4 October 2024



This blog today entitled SHIP is about something that is inbuilt within every

being on this planet, and millions know it NOT! What is vouchsafed within 

humanity, is that of a holy PRESENCE which lies deep within every human

being on this planet . We need to fully understand how we are all presented upon

this planet as a relative localized life form. Humanity is presented here in a three

fold trinity based expression which consists of us being a physical, mental, and

spiritual being, 99% of us are all very familiar with the physical and mental aspects

of our being , but far fewer of us fully understand the spiritual dimension of our 

presentation here on Earth. If we do not fully understand the spiritual principle 

which resides within us all, then we are not FULLY LOADED into a balanced 

perspective of complete conscious living. We are in effect half cocked and not

fully loaded into a Full Life Perspective. simply put we are not FULLY ALIVE!

A balanced life is when all three aspects of our presented package mentally, physically

and spiritually are all being used and acknowledged by us. SHIP is about bringing 

this reality to our attention and enabling us to SEEK out this Holy presence which

resides within us all. Meditation or yoga are both excellent ways to look within 

ourselves and seek out this Divine Presence within us. Our INTUITION is an inner

doorway into knowing this presence. By seeking out the inner silence within us we

will begin to FEEL that there is really something deep within us. We will finally discover

if we persist in meditation or yoga that this holy Presence is really our HIGHER SELF.

We all know our lower self which is the ego and personality. now we can seek out HIHER

SELF, the PRESENCE of SPIRIT within us "ALL".

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

if this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 3 October 2024


soul realization: ELEMENTAL DESCENT INTO FORMING YOU IN NEURAL...:   This blog today entitled EDIFYING is about seeing and understanding the nature of the way we are expressed into relative material life, an...



This blog today entitled POSTAL is about how LIFE became ADMINISTERED into

Motional Atomic Vibration by the arising of an Intention Thought Wave from

within the Absolute Mind  of the Absolute Spirit SELF; Absolute Spirit SELF 

became PARTICULARIZED within an INTENTION WAVE which brought about

MOTION(THOUGHT) from that of being motionlessness. This IDEATIONAL thought

wave became the PRIMORDIAL "CAUSELESS CAUSE" that gave birth to this

universe and everything that is found within it. This birth of infinite perpetual motion

(thought intention wave) brought about the birth of ALL LIFE. Here we need to fully 

understand what exactly is LIFE? Broken down life means Living-Intelligent-Focused-

Energy-=LIFE . This living intelligent focused energy is that of Divine SPIRIT in MOTION.

Spirit in MOTION (vibrational energy) is called LIFE , all life within this universe is that

of PURE SPIRIT INTELLIGENCE in Motional MODE. Humanity consists of eight 

billion biological elemental machines which act as a "covering" for the divine spirit

core that lies within all of humanity. We are all covered in what are called KOSHIC

sheaths . Humanities full expression sequence is within a five dimensional presentation

package  the highest level is what is called our BLISS body, and the lowest is the physical

vehicle. We also have an astral body which interpenetrates the physical vehicle. We need

this astral body to ascend into the astral realms when we die (change venues)  on Earth.

All life in this universe is that of animated localized SPIRIT. There is only ONE SPIRIT

which is SINGULAR, there is no such a THING as SPIRIT"S" only ONE Absolute


warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If thids blog resonates within you then please pass it ont your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 2 October 2024



This blog today entitled VACUUM will reveal the Divine Intelligence that has brought

about life and existence from out of an ABSOLUTE VACUSOUS VOID of nothingness

and motionlessness  through the Absolute POWER of INTENTION and projected 

IDEATION. This Ab solute Intention thought WAVE , manifested MOTION from 

MOTIONLESSNESS which gave birth to the CAUSELESS CAUSE  that gave birth

to ALL MOTION in this universe, and with that ATOMIC vibration and perpetual

motion. The ABSOLUTE  is the PERFECT VACUUM . motionlessness, omnipresent,

ubiquitous, and eternally still absolute SPIRIT Intelligence . Which is transcendent of

life and all existence. "when the SPIRIT  moves LIFE and all existence come "ONLINE"

Motion equates exactly with that  of atomic energy it it moves has atomic vibration it is

LIFE and has existence.. If it is motionless and eternally still it is absolute SPIRIT.

Vibrations are atomic energy and we need to be mindful that all universal energy is

Intelligent  it all is mindful and obeys the law of motional affinity. Universal life from

our perspective here on Earth seems to be on an evolutional arc of gradual ascension,

and we human beings seemed to have arrived at an APEX POINT in our evolution where

we have evolved into self awareness and I AM consciousness. We have arrived at a point

where we can become fully aware of our true Immortal Spiritual nature. It is hard to 

imagine that evolution is just being localized on planet Earth, and not rather being 

universal. If evolution is universal life elsewhere in this universe may also being waking

up into full self knowing as we human beings gradually are. Maybe soon we will meet

another soul from another planet !

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.comany feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If thi blog resonates with you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 1 October 2024



This blog today entitled SIGNED is about how we can all TUNE into our own 

personal GURU by recasting our gaze inward and beginning the regular practice

of meditation or yoga. The reality is that you do not have to search the internet or

look out for a GURU who can guide you into Self Realization, because we each 

have within us our very own personal inner GURU, which dwells within you right

now! We need to first begin a practice of meditation or yoga. When we do that  we

begin to venture deep within our inner being. Our INTUITION is the GATEWAY

and INTERNAL DOORWAY that will lead each one of us from ignorance to

Full SELF Knowledge and Spiritual awakening. When we can enter into the inner

silence, still all our thoughts then in that stillness and silence we will become 

SENTSITIZED to the PRESENCE of our INTUITION . Our intuition is the home

of our personal GURU. We will hear its "still small inner voice" which some call 

it the voice of the SOUL.  Our personal inner GURU  which and will be reached if

we enter into the profound inner silence, when all thoughts are stilled in the gateway 

and inner doorway that reveals to us that this inner guru is really that of our HIGHER

SELF our Higher Self  is who you Really ARE, it is your SPIRIT immortal being.

All knowledge and wisdom lie within you right now We are not here to learn anything

rather we are here to UNCOVER what lies beneath this inner layer of ignorance that

hides and veils our true inner being. We are all here to "WAKE UP" and smell those

proverbial roses. Our intuition will guide us to our inner guru , who will then guide us

into our HIGHER SELF , this will begin our waking up procedure.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks