This blog today entitled LIMITED is about how life was motioned into
relativity by a Primordial Intention Thought wave of the Absolute ATMAN the
SELF Absolute. Life is that of Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy that it emerges
out of the Absolute Mind of the SELF as a Thought wave, which manifested motion
out of motionlessness. The energy which enfolds all life is that of Divine Intention.
The Focused energy is that MIND FIELD" that proceeded from within the Ab solute
Mind of the SELF. All life is that of a relative phenomenon which has atomic vibration
motion which is that of perpetual motion while in a relative state.
Life and motion are synonymous, you cannot have one without the other. Outwardly we
are all life living a phenomenal existence, but inwardly deep within our core matrix of
being we are stillness and transcendent of life and all existence. We are all immortal
eternal Being, at the core of our being. Life and living mean basically that of intelligent
energy moving through an ocean of vibrating motion. The reason for this motioning
phenomenon is so that Pure Intelligence SELF can become cloaked in KOSHAS and
be able to collect Tangible Experiences.
ALL LIFE is Transcended BY REALIZATION and when that occurs we Step out of
Motioning Vibration Existence, and Emerge Back into the Absolute which Transcends
this phenomenal relative universe, and we then our the NOUMENON universal SPIRIT
SELF. ALL LIFE is LIMITED by the motioning sequence of evolution. When you have
EVOLVED enough to FULLY KNOW who and what you really ARE. "WE" then
STEP OUT of this relative ILLUSION of LIFE, and back into that of ETERNAL
warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization'
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