Sunday 2 July 2023



This blog today entitled EBBING is about how we that of Humanity, can one by one

turn the tide on our global disasters and negativity, by going within ourselves and 

thereby establishing conscious contact with our true inner being. By doing this the tide

of your personal life will change dramatically, as you will then be going with the inner

flow, the will ebb-away your ignorance and thereby IGNITE your NEURAL pathways

in your brain, so that you will begin to resonate into higher states of awareness and 

consciousness. "WE" all our eternal Being, the problem is that the vast majority of us

fail to recognise this FACT, and thereby we remain  in ignorance of our true state of Being.

By going deep within ourselves we are then literally "turning the tide" on our lives and

beginning to enter into the deep inner waters of our true immortal being. 

We will then begin the process of "BECOMING"  who and what we all "really are".

It was written long long ago in the Temple of APOLLO  in DELPHI  the words "MAN

KNOW THYSELF", knowing ourselves as we truly are is and needs to be the most 

important thing you will EVER KNOW in this current LIFE TIME Incarnation.

The SHADOW of ignorance hangs over mankind like a heavy blanket that keeps out

the light of INNER KNOWING . Knowing  who we really are will change your LIFE

FOREVER. If all of humanity knew who they were , all wars and bloodshed would

cease immediately, there would be no poor souls dying of hunger or thirst. The whole

of humanity would reach out and help their fellow brothers and sisters. Peace would prevail

in the world, and mankind would enter into a wonderful GOLDEN AGE of global 

peace and harmony. All this would surely happen if we all looked within ourselves

and woke up into full waking consciousness of our true Immortal Identity.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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