Sunday 16 July 2023



This blog today entitled AJAR is about "our" journey our from Source billions

of years ago, aeon of endless time have passed since "we" were all "cast out of 

Eden" which was "PERFECT BLISS" and out into the MAELSTOM  of a 

virgin being born universe. "WE" are all the product of that Primordial Thoight

wave which arose within that ABSOLUTE MIND of the SOURCE, and we who

were that THOUGHT ENERGY gradually became things, that Primordial thought

wave became expressed diverse LIFE. This whole universe is WHOLLY ALIVE

and all part of that primordial thought wave from the Absolute Being.

THOUGHT became THINGS, all is ALIVE there is no dead (unalive) thing in this

universe whatsoever. 

Our journey being life has spanned these aeons , and now you reading this blog, 

have arrived in that place where realization can take place. We have all self aware

consciousness , which means that we can ask the question of who and what we really

all our? Many of us human beings are nearing the end of our AEONIC journey through

the MAELSTROM of that early chaos. We that of humanity are all beginning to wake

up into the realization that we are more than just a physical body.

We are beginning to realize that we are all Spiritual Beings .

When we venture within ourselves we find an Intelligence there  which we can make 

contact with and begin the task of uncovering the layers of ignorance that blankets

mankind, and begin to uncover that Divine Spirit that lies within us all. AJAR is about

WAKING UP from our AEONIC SLUMBER and realizing your immortal true Divine


warmest regards michael an y feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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