Thursday 13 July 2023



This blog today entitled GUESS WHAT! Is about who and what Humanity 

actually is, and it is not what it thinks it is! GUESS WHAT will explore the inner

reality that propels humanity along the ascension highway of full SELF KNOWING.

Question, what exactly does humanity consist of? The answer is that we are all eight

billion biological vehicles who each have a biological computer called the brain.

That is what we all are outwardly, eight billion biological machines. But inwardly we

are all made of the same PRIMARY ESSENCE that radiates out from the Absolute

Singular SELF, we often refer to as GOD.

Our task while here enclosed within this biological vehicle is two fold in manner,

first we are all here to gather tangible experiences, which  are impossible to experience

in your PURE SELF BEING State, and secondly we are all here to fully wake up and

therefore know wholly who and what we really are.

Most of us humans know a fair bit about our lower self, which is the ego personality bit,

but not so many of us are aware of our HIGHER SELF which is who we truly all are.

The only way to know your inner true SELF, is to venture deep within yourself , by making

conscious contact with your INTUITION  you will then be close to making conscious 

contact with your inner higher SELF.  The HIGHER SELF and GOD are one of the

SAME THING! This Divine inner Radiant of Spirit is who you really "ARE" and by

looking deep within ourselves we are able to fully WAKE UP and GUESS WHAT?

We can then  really know who and what we really are. When we know this FACT

of your TRUE BEING you can then "pass it on" to all your family and friends.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization;

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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