Sunday 23 July 2023



This blog today entitled COHERES is about the journey that all mankind will 

eventually take as we all journey towards a spiritual awakening. COHERES is

about how we will all eventually become REBORN AGAIN" without having

to enter the womb twice. The "COLUMN of HOLINESS"  represents the spinal

column, this was represented in the Bible by the story of JACOB'S LADDER,

JACOB'S LADDER represents the spinal column and that of the KUNDALINI

rising up through the chakras culminating within the crown chakra, where thereby

undergoing a SAMADHI experience where we then know fully who and what we

really are, which is Divine Immortal SELF.

We will all eventually awaken that sleeping DRAGON  of Divine Wisdom which

lies asleep within our root chakra, either in this incarnation or another, because this 

awakening process that has been going on for thousands and thousands of years is

all locked firmly in our destiny.

Our spines are our JACOB'S Ladder, to begin this ascension sequence we need to take

up the practice of meditation and begin the journey of SELF  REALIZATION by 

entering into the silence within us that arises when all thoughts are stilled and stopped

When we can enter into that deep silence within, we will then come into contact with

our inbuilt divine monitor which is our INTUITION . Our intuition will lead us into 

direct contact with our HIGHER SELF which will then begin to lead us into the place

of inner wisdom , it will also begin dissolving the blanket of ignorance that covers our 

inner self and blocks out knowing our Self.

When we reach this inner deep silence and have made contact with our intuition then

we will gradually awaken the sleeping dragon of wisdom,  and our awakening process

will have begun.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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