Saturday 22 July 2023



This blog today entitled AURALS is about how our entire universe is balanced upon

a singularity point of reference which rotates upon this singularity axis point. This 

point is also a membrane that emerges out of the Absolute NOUMENON and into

relativity which then becomes the Phenomenal universe which we all live and move

within. What emerges from this point of the singularity is that of MOTION from 

motionlessness, this motion in essence is a THOUGHT WAVE that condenses  into

relative matter and atomic motion vibration.

This relative universe is that of Motional Phenomenon which then begins to diversify

into an infinite variety of shapes and forms of what we call life. What we need to 

understand is that this universe is basically just a THOUGHT PROJECTION into

Phenomenal  relative space ,which we call the space time continuum.

This whole universe is just ONE Projected Thought wave, and this thought wave

is STILL ONGOING. after what appears as that of billions of years . But we need also

remember that both time and space are ILLUSIONS conjured up by our limited 

understanding of how reality actually is.

AURALS is about understanding that this universe is just a Thought Projection image

of motioning energy which is intelligent and knowing, so that the ABSOLUTE 

NOUMENON (GOD)  could have a "MOTIONAL EXPERIENCE" as being 

different from Eternal Motionlessness , the NOUMENON brought about Phenomenon

(motion) so that it could engage and interact with itself in TANGIBLE contact  with 

these motioning life forms. We Humanity are all busy engaged in motioning gathering


warmest regards michael an y feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

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