Sunday 11 February 2024



This blog today which is entitled LIKES is about an explanation of what exactly

LIFE really is. Life is basically and amounts to that of Five KOSHIC sheaths which

are all elemental layers of awareness that are as follows, 1, Food layer (earth) 2 energy

layer,(air) 3, mind layer (water), 4, intuition layer (fire) 5, bliss layer,(ethereal) . Five

layers of elemental intelligence that provide all the dimensional layers necessary for

PURE SPIRIT SELF to become firmly anchored into a physical body vehicle , and

each layer is a dimensional divide that promotes pure harmonic resonance within the 

whole expression sequence.

What we call "LIFE" are really just elemental dimensional  layers of Earth, air, fire, water

and ethereal essence element. Our entire presentation here upon the Earth element  is 

enabled by the WILL of the SELF, which is that of Absolute BEING. Our INTUITION

(PRESENCE WITHIN US) is the connecting link that puts us back in TOUCH  with

"OUR" SELF. Humanity is basically eight billion KOSHIC sheaths all busy interacting

and experiencing interactions with each "OTHER" (there are no others?)  "WE" which

spells out "WISDOM EXPRESSED" =WE, WE are all the SELF in motional expression

upon the STAGE and theatre of motional expression  acting out our ROLES of 

motioning expression. LIFE which means Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy , is that

focused energy=motion. LIFE=SPIRIT in motion (atomic vibration) being expressed

within a relative universe backdrop , so that PURE ABSOLUTE SPIRIT (GOD/SELF)

(YOU AND ME)  can have motional interactions and gather experiences . LIFE in essence

does NOT EXIST, no such a thing, ONLY PURE eternal unborn SPIRIT is Absolutely

REAL, and "WE" are THAT!

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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