Sunday 18 February 2024



This blog today entitled CLIMB is about revealing the true nature of how our bodily

vehicles are presented into this dense physical dimension . We are told by science that

all is energy and that energy cannot ever be destroyed, only converted into another

format. Light is ENERGY and it can be expressed in many forms. It can be a solid

which is that of congealed light, which our physical bodies are made of. It can be

fluid and flow in a beam, it can can be PLASMA  like a shining STAR, it can be 

like a liquid , liquid light which is of a higher vibration than solid matter light. All

LIFE that is expressed universally is presented in a prismatic refraction principle

which is "LIGHT BENDING" into shape and form of that particular presented

life form. Our physical bodies are all totally surrounded by an undulating 

electromagnetic force field in the shape of a doughnut shaped toroidal field .

Electromagnetic fields are all made of LIGHT ENERGY.  Mankind is presented

on this planet earth in five dimensional levels of expression, these five dimensional

layers of awareness are all made out of intelligent light energy our astral bodies which

interpenetrate our physical  bodies is made of ETHEREAL intelligent light, which

exists in a different dimension than our gross dense physical dimension. We mankind

are all presented here on Earth with vehicles that are LIGHT which has been congealed

and SET into shape by infinite intelligence, This light liquid energy has been super 

compressed within a singularity vortex which super compresses the light into a 

dense congealed state. CLIMB is about knowing the nature of LIGHT seeing how we

are presented here, looking within ourselves and revealing that inner FLUID LIGHT

that will "EN-LIGHTEN" us into full SELF KNOWING,

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

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