Friday 2 February 2024



AUM is about understanding that this universe is wholly an Astral Phenomenon

with the dense physical dimension which humanity resides in is the lowest density

dimension of all. This is not a physical universe, but rather a physical dimension 

within  an ASTRAL UNIVERSE. The Divine MAJESTY of  seven dimensional

"SHADINGS"  are presented in  a sequence which resembles an orchestrated 

symphony  of Divine melodies  with the MASTER CONDUCTOR  (absolute

intelligence)  overshadowing each dimensional expression with a loving PRESENCE.

Humanity what is it? Well what we call humanity refers to the KOSHIC SHEATHS

that enable higher energy intelligence to gain access to this dense level of physicality.

What we call life actually refers to these KOSHIC coverings , this means all LIFE

not just humanity all of what we call NATURE is an infinite amount of KOSHIC

coverings, BEHIND all LIFE is that of Intelligent Energy which in essence is SPIRIT.

LIFE only "SEEMS" to EXIST in MOTION (atomic vibration) behind the vibration

is DIVINE STILLNESS Omnipresence motionlessness Eternal  SPIRIT/SELF.

INTERPENETRATING our physical vehicles is that of our ASTRAL BODY vehicle

within this astral body in sleep we exit our physical bodies and venture into the vast

infinite astral universe. When we die (change venues) we ascend out of our physical

body and move into the astral realm dimension that we "resonate with" . There are Seven

main dimensional levels in the astral universe, plus forty nine other sub dimensional

levels . We by law of our inner point of ascension in the evolutionary chain can only

enter that particular astral dimension that you resonate with, The ancient adage of "birds

of a feather flock together" come to mind here.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends  Thanks,

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