This blog today entitled FIAT is about understanding how this universe and
the life within it came to be presented into our self aware consciousness.
The dictionary meaning of the word FIAT is "AN AUTHORITATIVE COMMAND"
This authoritative command to present this universe to our self aware witnessing
can only have come from that of Absolute Intelligence, which although was fully
transcendent of all its expressions, it still had its expression localized within the
relative universe. Some call this Formless, non tangible. being-less being that of
GOD or Divine SOURCE of all, it matters not one jot what you call this Intelligence
in which we all live and move and have our being within its Absolute Infinite Embrace.
Pure Absolute Spirit Intelligence is the CAUSELESS CAUSE from which everything
within this universe emerged from within it. This Absolute Mind is in where we all
DWELL . There is no such a thing in EXISTENCE as "your mind" or "my mind"
there is only "ONE MIND" and that is Absolute Intelligence. We all "TAP INTO"
this universal mind , consciousness is the same , there is only ONE consciousness
which filters through an infinite variety of expressions universally. One Mind, One
Consciousness, One Intelligence. Humanity tunes into varying degrees of intelligence
that it is capable of understanding. The more you understand the more deeply you
penetrate into that infinite field of Absolute Mindfulness. Life all life is swimming
(motioning through) an OCEAN of Infinite Intelligence and spiritual essence.
When we can fully know our SELF, we will see how all this "THEATRE OF LIFE"
actually plays out, and what part you actually play within it.
warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
In this Theatre of Life, we move on that stage of expression.