Wednesday 29 November 2023


This blog today entitled FOLDING is about how we can all uncover the SOURCE

of all life , by looking deeply within ourselves, and opening up those inner neural

gateways. Our brains are basically a biological computer and within that inner

computer and spread throughout our bodies are millions of neural connections which

can and do flash insights into our waking consciousness.

The FATHER of all life is basically the SOURCE  from which all life universally

emerges from and returns back to, when its expression is spent.

Life is like an infinite field in which all the players live and move and have their

being upon. We human beings have the added spectrum of "I AM SELF AWARENESS

we have the ability to ask that most important question any human being can ask , and

that is the question of "WHO AM I? No other life form as far as we know can ask that

most vital question of who am I. When we ask that question to ourselves , we set in motion

a bioelectrical force which fires this question into a countless number of neural 

connections searching for an answer to that question. If we persist in this line of

self enquiry, we will begin to reap the benefits of this by receiving insights and

intuitive flashes of the answer to that question of who am I?

By looking within ourselves and making contact with our inbuilt intuition, we will

begin opening up new neural pathways within ourselves which will reveal the true

nature of your physical and spiritual expression.

The answer lies within us all, we just need to look  there and begin the process

of DEFINING the true nature of our lives and being.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


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