Monday 29 April 2024



This blog today entitled POLES is about how we can understand exactly what life

actually is, and what is the meaning of the word existence? Where does life emerge

from?  And what is existence? Here we need to look deeply into the matrix of life,

which is a principle. Principles are in this case meaning universal laws. Here we need

to fully understand that universal intelligent laws themselves emerge from the SOURCE

of all that is, the SELF/GOD. So when we look into where life comes from , there is

only one place it could come from and that is Eternal Divine Spirit.  Life therefore 

is the motioning intelligent principle of divine eternal Spirit.  The word existence  which

comes from the LATIN word "Existere" means to "stand out from" "to come forth" so

existence is that which stand out and shows itself as LIFE . All life universally is 

presented as the phenomenon (visible) presentation of an (invisible) Source which is

the NOUMENON. Basically all life is SPIRIT in MOTION . SPIRIT  never moves it

is eternally still and motionless, it has no need to move because it is omnipresent and

ubiquitous. The motioning sequence  is engaged when Divine Spirit enters into this 

space time continuum as a singularity point of reference , which is then wrapped within

five layers of dimensional awareness which are called KOSHIC SHEATHS . The 

SPIRIT then becomes a "living entity" and acquires motion and atomic vibratory 

expression. Humanity all eight billion of us are all covered over by five KOSHIC sheaths

that cloak the inner SPIRIT  and protect it from coming into contact with gross matter. 

Humanity is the presented phenomenon which we call life and our movements through

life is called our existence journey. But deep within us we all have an ATOM of Divine

Spirit within each one of us, which acts as an anchor that keeps us all safe and secure , so

that we can never be forgotten by SOURCE or ever lost or abandoned by Divine GRACE.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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