Sunday 21 April 2024



This blog today entitled POISED is about the limitless power that can be generated

within the deep silence of the ardent seeker of inner truth. When we meditate and are

able to still all thought and enter into that deep silent limitless place of the "INNER

VERSE" that exists within the limitless arena of consciousness  that clothes a seeker

being that meditates. When silence is listened to by a conscious entity , such as the 

ardent seeker of inner divine truth, it takes on a magical property which expands the

awareness and acts upon our INTUITIVE faculties which will then begin to flash

insightful revelations into our waking conscious mind. We will soon discover if

we persist in regularly going within ourselves and entering into the deep silence 

that unfolds within us when all thoughts have ceased. We will begin to uncover the

inner wisdom that dwells deep within us all. The inner silence will  reveal the layers

of ignorance that lie deep within us all. The wisdom of the silence will inform you

that you do not have to learn anything, but rather you are here to UNCOVER the

layers of ignorance that are within you, and also to experience tangible living life.

POISED is about how we can turn the searchlight of inner silence within you 

which will reveal bit by bit your true immortal divine identity. Meditation is that

most ancient science that can bring about profound change in any ardent seeker

of inner knowledge. Inner silence is infinite and boundless it fills this universe 

with its soundless serene PRESENCE. This infinite ocean of silence lies within

you right NOW. It contains all knowledge and infinite wisdom. Look within dear

reader of this blog and find you true immortal SELF.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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