Monday 19 June 2023



This blog today entitled VEIL is about us that are called LIFE, in particular we as

a human beings, life being expressed within our human vessel we call our human body.

We are life that has evolved into what could be called a GOD LIKE phenomenon, which

is having that faculty of being SELF AWARE, no other life form on this planet, as far as

we know, has this ability of what we all have. Which is an I AM SELF AWARE

consciousness. We can say "I" KNOW that I KNOW. So with this wonderful insight

that all human beings have been endowed with, we can then ask the question of WHO

AM I REALLY ? No other life form on Earth can ask itself that question of WHO AM I ?

Only humanity has as yet this unique PRIVILEGE. We are able to wonder who we really

are. We can look within ourselves and seek  to know what lies beneath this "VEIL of FORM"

which is the physical vessel. Why have we incarnated here on Earth for?  What is the reason?

These deep questions can and will be answered  if we begin the journey of looking within

ourselves, and taking up the practice of meditation or yoga. When we dive deeply into our

SELF , we are then closing in on finding the answer to all these questions. We will make 

conscious contact with our "INTUITION FACULTY" which is a connecting link to

your true inner SELF. Beneath the VEIL of formal embodiment ,lies that of Intelligent

energy, which is a living spiritual force of Divine energy which is who you really ARE,

when all the outer "CLADDING" of KOSHIC coverings is removed. You will gradually

begin to realize that you incarnated here to gather experience of TANGIBLE life and

also to fully wake up and realize the Divine SELF, who YOU really ARE. "WE" are

all UNBORN SELF, eternal BEING, having a relative experience here on earth.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Michael, and so true to point... Blessings my friend
