Sunday 11 June 2023



This bog today entitled SEERS is about how we can all become SEERS,  and

by doing so we can then engage into the discovery of realities hidden secrets.

To become  a SEER we must first know where to look, and the answer to that

question is we need to look within our SELF. To explore and uncover just who 

and what we really are. The SEER begins to SEE what lies hidden behind the

veil of our formation (physical vehicle). What lies beneath this FACADE of FORM

we call our body?  By exploring within our SELF  by taking up the practice of 

meditation or yoga,  we begin to get to know more about our inner nature.

When we have been able to enter into the silence when all thoughts are stilled. we

then open that inner door , which will then reveal our INTUITION faculty. 

INTUITION is our "INNER GURU" which will open up an inner universe you

never imagined EXISTED before entering into that profound inner silence.

Our Intuition is the "anchor principle" downloaded into the vehicles of the whole

eight billion human beings. The Intuition is the SEER Principle  that is Absolute Divine

Intelligence localized within a sub atomic point located within your presented form/

It is our "CONSCIOUS CONTACT" with Divine Absolute Intelligence.

Your Intuition will reveal exactly who and what you REALLY ARE, it will 

enlighten you into the AWARENESS of FULL SELF KNOWING. It will reveal that

you have ZERO  to LEARN anything at all, what you need to do is to UNCOVER

what has always been THERE within you, but hidden away by a thick blanket of 

profound ignorance. Your Intuition will expose this ignorance and allow you to see

your true Eternal immortal Divine Being, which is the SEER-SELF.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thank.

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