This blog today entitled USER is about the SELF who is the ultimate and
ONLY USER of all that is within this Existent universe. The SELF is
portrayed within an infinite number of expressions universally. This whole
infinite universe is the SELF in perpetual motion. All the infinity of stars
and planets are all the ONE SELF expressed within an infinite Theatre of
motioning relativity.
This whole universe is a THEATRE of MOTION, where the PLAYER which
is the SELF partakes in ALL the manifold parts of the PLAY about how LIFE
moves through the perpetual Field on gathering experiences . "WE" imagine the
MANY", but in absolute truth , there is ONLY EVER ONE PLAYER who
diversifies ITSELF within a MYRIAD of shapes and forms.
The "USER" which is the SELF which is Absolute Intelligence USES MOTION
(atomic vibration) to display infinite variety of expressions, shapes, and forms.
The Theatre of LIFE MOTIONING is where the SELF can experience an
infinite presentation of experiential motioning throughout this entire universe
and receive this feedback SIMULTANEOUSLY, moment by moment as its moves
through the infinity of expressive motioning.
We that of Humanity all eight billion of us amount to just ONE SELF which
is Absolute Intelligence.
"WE" are all being "USED" by the USER to gather experience within what we call
Humanity. "WE" are a limited portion of Intelligent energy being used on this
planet as human beings, and because we have SELF-AWARENESS, "WE" each
have the ability to "KNOW OUR SELF. When we do that, we can then STEP OUT
of the THEATRE of MOTION, and return back into the STILLNESS from WHENCE
"WE" all came from.
warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
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