Sunday 18 June 2023



This blog today entitled ODE is about trying to express what was said  by

a Great Master SRI RAMANA MAHARSHI born 1879-died 1950 in 

TAMILNADU INDIA. The MAHARSHI was asked by a devotee the question

of "how should I treat others?"  To which the master replied, "There are no others!"

What exactly does this mean to you and me? There are no OTHERS! The answer I 

feel lies in the understanding that the word LIFE is always in the singular, there is

no plural in the word LIFE, there is but ONE LIFE universally.

So if we look at what humanity is we find that the Whole Eight Billion of humans

on this Earth, are all basically ONE LIFE!

Facets of the ONE Infinite Ocean  of LIFE, in this context what could "YOU" be then

"OTHER FROM"? Other from LIFE maybe? It is our blindness and ignorance  that

we fail to see that all LIFE is totally connected and interconnected to the ONE Complete

Wholeness  of expression.

Humanity is ONE WHOLE expression of ONE Living Intelligent Energy which encloses

its SELF within five KOSHAS of awareness spanning five dimensions of expression.

The physical body being the most dense. Humanity is ONE LIFE being expressed within

eight billion KOSHIC  covered physical vehicles. All of humanity equate directly into

"ONE COMPOSITE WHOLE" being, that is the SELF or GOD.  LIFE means that


Absolute Intelligence arises from within the ONE MIND of the MANIFESTOR of all

Life universally which is the SELF/GOD. ODE means that "WE" are all ONE LOVING

Wholeness, but can we all actually ever realize this reality???

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

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