Monday 19 June 2023



This blog today entitled MIND is about the reality of what the MIND actually is.

To Define the mind we must first define NOTHING, what is NOTHING? NO-THING

is the ALL THING and the ALL THING and the ALL THING is that of SPIRIT 

which further boils down to that of Absolute Infinite Eternal Intelligence. THAT is

what NO-THING actually "IS". And Absolute Infinite Intelligence does  not fit 

into the human aware consciousness. NOTHING or Infinite Absolute Intelligence


Absolute Intelligence, It is TRANSCENDENT of this universe and is an UNBORN

ETERNAL  NOUMENON which humanity recognises this as GOD or Great

Spirit of the universe. Here we have defined NO-THING as that of Absolute Eterrnal

UNBORN Intelligence.

So with that understood, we can then look at what is MIND? Defined AS?  Without 

thought mind as "we know it" does not exist, NO-THOUGHT-NO MIND. Without

thought we have just pure awareness and perception . The Absolute Intelligence 

DWELLS within us right now! When we cease all thought , our perception and 

awareness grows exponentially to the depth of our inner silence.

The SELF which is that of NO-THING which is defined as that of Absolute Eternal

Intelligence Unborn REALITY.

This SELF in our inner deep silence reveals its TRUE Nature to you the silent one

listening intently within this inner silence. It reveals  THAT YOU ARE IT, without 

any thought whatsoever. YOU just know that YOU KNOW it arises from deep within 

your core of BEING. MIND-SELF and YOU reading this our ONE of a KIND.

Mind is the SELF in its PUREST FORMLESS form when the SELF appears within

a human being which has an I AM SELF AWARENESS Faculty activated, the SELF

become therefore LOCALIZED within a relative medium, which is the corporeal 

physical body, which then further becomes diluted by the arising of the human ego

and personality. When thoughts appear they take on a life of their own, These thoughts

then become things. So then the SELF is reduced in its infinite scope . into a bundle

of trillions of thoughts, which we mistakenly think that we are this lower ego self,

which thinks endless thoughts.

When we enter the silence without thought our lower mind then expands into the

higher mind which is the SELF. Then in deep silence within OUR SELF explore 

beyond the confines of localization into Infinity and universal wisdom,

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

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