Friday 25 February 2022


 All expressed life universally is focused through a dimensional prism of condensing 

energies. Humanity is no exception to this rule. All of humanity is condensed through 

a prism of refracted light energy and contracted down into physical matter, in our case

biological matter. Our physical bodies are just made up from condensed light, compressed

into a tangible substance. We are expressed within 5 koshas or sheaths  of expression, these

expressions are 5 layers or rays of light that each have its own colour, these colours correspond

with the colours seen in the light spectrum we see when white light is passed through a prism.

Each kosha is less dense than the previous one , our physical body is the most dense. 

The Presence is that WHITE LIGHT of PURITY that penetrates through the whole of our

expression, and takes on the colour of that density level  we are conscious upon.

We are all the PRESENCE being presented within a physical body vehicle. The Presence

is the SOURCE which lies within the matrix of all expressed life universally.

With humanity the SOURCE is within us all, and is known as that of the Presence  within

us, that in certain times we can actually FEEL its PRESENCE  within us.

When we go within ourselves and seek out the answer to who we really are, we are then

beginning to contact that inner mirror which will reflect back to us an opening within that

will reveal a "LIGHTER VERSION" of you as you venture deeper within yourself.

Within us lies less density levels and access to lighter shades of prismatic refraction, we can

open up and become closer to contacting this PRESENCE that lies deep within us all.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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