The matrix of humanity, the core of our existence is Absolute Stillness. Our core being
does not exist within this relative universe. 'WE' exist Transcendent of this universe as ONE
The problem with being in that stateless state is that NO-THING EVER HAPPENS, all is
eternally motionlessness and absolute silence. Zero Matter, light, darkness, zero existence
nothingness Absolute. In order to move to experience the experiences of experience, there
had to be motion. And motion came about within the curious idea of Thought Arising within
the Infinite Mind of the Source. Space as we think we know it , is an infinite expanse of living
vibrant energy. Spirit which is the essence of the SOURCE becomes condensed into energetic
matter, substance becomes tangible, the intangible Source through a ;process of super
condensation and contraction of essence becomes relative, and therefore able to experience
When we all awoke after aeons of unconscious experiencing, and become human beings, we
were then becoming conscious of who we really were.
Our billions of years of motioning through limitless space, were coming to an end, as we all
became SELF AWARE.
Instinctively and intuitively there is within us all a yearning an irrepressible urge to return
HOME, this urge is motioned deep within us all, and is called the mighty OM or AUM this
silent sound is an inbuilt homing beacon, that guides all its charges home, to that place of
permanent BLISS and joy.
Space is indeed our home while we remain relative and therefore are being expressed within
motion, but our true and eternal home lies beyond the reaches of relativity, and within the
Absolute we find eternal rest and bliss.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
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