Friday 8 October 2021


 The great master SRI RAMANA MAHARSHI was once asked by one of his devotees the

question, "How should I treat others" Master"? To which RAMANA MAHARSHI replied,

"there are no others"! I have pondered on this answer for many years , and have come to

the realization that makes most sense to me. And that is the meaning of "others" what are

they OTHER THAN? They cannot be other than life, and we all our ONE LIFE. So  in

truth no one being can be other than what it IS, which is LIFE, and LIFE is always in the

singular, there is no plural on the word LIFE.

It is therefore a singular reality. And that being so , we as that of humanity are all ONE

LIFE FORCE manifesting as the illusion of 7.7 billion "OTHERS". We that of humanity

are all represented by just ONE word  "LIFE"!

So when we examine the truth that is LIFE we can see clearly that although we seem to be

very many , the truth is that we are really just ONE MOVING LIFE FORCE posing as

many by occupying physical biological machines , which are all animated by the ONE

universal life force.

Remove our outer shell and we are all the very same THING.! All our apparent differences

are just shadows within the living LIGHT of the LIFE ESSENCE.

The reality is that NO-THING can POSSIBLY be OTHER than what it is, and that is LIFE.

This whole universe is the relative expression of an absolute reality, the entire universe is

alive with living ENERGY, all this energy equates to just one word which is LIFE. There is

no such a thing as something that exists OTHER than life.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization,

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family or friends Thanks.

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