Sunday, 31 October 2021


 In order for the SELF to be able to become 'EXISTANT' within this planet Earth it needs

a transportation mode that will permit it entry into relative time and space. The first question

to answer is what is the SELF? The SELF is the Absolute Brahman, the eternal immortal

Absolute GOD of ALL there IS and WILL ever BE. NO-THING exists other than the SELF.

YOU and ME dear reader of this blog are all the SELF fragmented into FRACTAL FACETS

of the WHOLE  ONENESS of the SELF.

These fractal facets of the SELF, which is you and me, need a transportation conveyance to

enable us to journey here from the  Absolute into relativity.

This is done via a singularity vortex that encapsulates the life energy fractal (YOU)  and then 

rotates it downwards into the relative universe, exiting out on planet Earth. That's how we all

arrive here on Earth, and are held within the embrace of the rotating vortex singularity for the

entire time we remain incarnate here on Earth. When we cease to remain here(die, change 

venues)  we then ascend out of this dimension and inti the Astral domain via another vortex

that lifts out the life essence, which is the Astral body, and escorts us into the astral life, where

we rest and reflect upon our latest visit here on Earth.

We all remain on this downward and upward spiral until we can find out the true nature of

just what and who we really are in essence.

We all have countless incarnations here on Earth, working through and gradually dispelling

the gross ignorance that keeps us all 'prisoners of the planet', once we know that we are indeed

the SELF, then the door out of further incarnations opens wide for us all, and then we need

never incarnate again on this planet Earth, unless of course we chose to, and come back here

in full waking consciousness  of our true eternal identity, and thereby chose through an act 

of selfless service, to return and incarnate here to thereby aid and help there brothers and

sisters,  to know themselves and thereby no longer a prisoner of this planet, and also released

from any further incarnations here.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If  this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday, 30 October 2021


 All universal life and that is fully inclusive for no other thing exists other than life-motion

within this relative universe. And all this life is MOTIONALLY alive, but not emotionally 

alive, there is a big difference. Motional aliveness included the totality of all that exists within

this universe. But emotional life exists only partially within the higher animals on Earth  like

the great apes, dogs, whales and dolphins  etcetera, and fully awake and aware in that of 

humanity. We are fully aware emotional beings. The emotion which has the magic letter "E"

added to it is our direct connection to our inner Divinity. When the "E" is added to the word

MOTION making it EMOTION it means that we have transcended the motional state and have

awakened within the "I AM" aware self consciousness state.

This awakening is the beginning of our emotional journey into both self and soul realization.

Over very many incarnations and experiencing many things and undergoing pain and suffering

crisis within crisis, plus joys and love, happiness and a sense of achievement  these contrasts 

of experiences eventually guide us inward, to begin looking into ourselves and beginning to

recognise our very own spiritualty.

When we can recognise the need within us to refocus our gaze inward rather that forever 

outward, we will have turned the most important corner we will ever turn in a thousand years

now we can begin the connecting process that links us directly to our inner intuition and then

directly into higher states of expanded consciousness and awareness expansion.

We will then begin experiencing a new and heightened sense of sensitivity and a more tuned

in awareness and expanded consciousness states.

We will eventually see and understand that our emotions are the hallmarks of an inner 

indwelling Divine Presence.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

Friday, 29 October 2021


 Beyond life and motion which are synonymous there lies NO-THING this is within

the Absolute space-less void where all is motionlessness and Absolute Silence broods

within eternal bliss. The Absolute brought MOTION from eternal stillness by the raising

of an INTENTIONAL THOUGHT WAVE, which rose out of the eternal stillness and

manifested what we now call a relative universe. Issuing out from that primordial 

intention -wave was what transformed into what we call LIFE and perpetual motion

both of these connected forces arose out of the stillness which was PURE ABSOLUTE

SPIRIT. SPIRIT was therefore "cast out of EDEN" (meaning perpetual bliss and silence)

into a forming maelstrom of chaos and rotating spinning vortexes,

Spirit was immediately enfolded within the fabric of motion and life unconsciousness

and rolled out first into INVOLUTION that's when all the universal principles were 

being wrapped tightly within the spin of involution, a principle within a principle wrapped

within infinite compression, which were then to become all the universal laws we know 

today. when this process was complete, there ensued a momentary PAUSE, involution had

then ceased ,at this point , and then evolution took over and expanded outwards into the infinity

of unlimited expanse of endless space.

Life remained unconscious  for countless aeons, until it reached a point in the evolutionary 

arc where humanity is now, and this was the birth of self awareness and "I AM" consciousness.

We then became UPGRADED from being motional LIFE into 'E'MOTIONAL LIFE,

EMOTION  was and is the inner SPIRIT beginning to awaken within the fabric of the life

principle. Our EMOTIONS are our direct LINK to the SOURCE of all MOTION and

LIFE, when we awaken into emotional reality we are in effect consciously connected to

the Absolute  SOURCE of all that IS. All we need to do is RE-COGNISE to RE_SEE that

which lies within us all. 

By looking within ourselves by either meditation or yoga, we can then make conscious 

contact with the ONE IDEA which brought us all here aeons ago. why not then get acquainted

with who you really are???

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday, 28 October 2021


 What is the mystery concerning the presence of motion? What exactly is motion? Where did

motion arise from? So many questions, what is the answer to this mystery of motion? Did it

have a beginning, a first causeless cause?  If so what was the nature of this primordial  causeless

cause? These questions are valid points of enquiry. and I will do my best to answer them all in

this blog today. My inner awareness and intuition inform me that motion began at the very 

point of the primordial thought wave of the ABSOLUTE BRAHMAN/GOD. AN 

INTENTION was made and this intention was the Primordial IDEA (motion=thought) that

manifested this relative motional universe. This relative universe is one of perpetual motion,

unceasing vibrations all echoing the primordial mighty OM the soundless sound, the 

perpetual motion echo's the perfection of the ABSOLUTE eternal which this universe 

reflects in movement, the Absolute is motionlessness reflecting OFF, while motion reflects ON.

The other part of the mystery  of motion is that it is also that of LIFE! In fact life and motion

are one of the SAME THING, you cannot have one WITHOUT the OTHER.

Motion -Life only appear in relativity, and not in the Absolute which is eternally STILL

motionlessness. When we venture back into the place we all left aeons ago, the Absolute 

we lose motion and life, and become what we have always been (but have forgotten)  PURE

SPIRIT. we have then transcended life and motion and relativity and then become fully

aware with pure absolute awareness and BEING back within the ONE SINGULAR 

REALITY which is BRAHMAN/GOD. this is who you REALLY ARE dear reader of

this blog today.

"WE" ALL rise out of perpetual silence and motionlessness carried aloft on the intentional

wave thought of our SELF/GOD plunged into the maelstrom of toroidal motion and then

began our adventure into the gathering of experiences, and moving towards an evolution

that will aeons of time begin revealing the true nature of what you actually are. When we

develop self aware consciousness, and know that we are "I AM" awakened we will then

see and understand the wonderful adventure we have all experienced through being clothed

in form and moved through time and space, to a place of awakening and understanding that

behind life and motion stands our true ETERNAL IMMORTAL SELF.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday, 27 October 2021


 Beyond existence lies the TRUTH, beyond the BELT of MATTER beyond the illusion

of existence, lies that which is REAL and that which is REAL, does NOT EXIST within 

this relative temporal reality. We need to understand the words we use every day, and are not

familiar with their ROOT MEANING. The word EXISTENCE comes from the Latin word

"EXISTERE", which means to "stand forth" "come out"" emerge from" "appear be visible",

So existence means to 'stand out from', and that which is reality does not stand out from

"ANYTHING"  IT IS the BACKGROUND that everything emerges out of.

GOD does NOT EXIST! Because GOD does not stand out from ANYTHING rather it is

"EVERYTHING" and ALL ONE SINGULAR REALITY, from which all exist and emerge

'OUT OF'. Human beings do not exist at their core of BEING, we only 'seem' to exist "stand

out from" because we have become embodied in matter, flesh and blood, outwardly we 'seem'

to exist, but inwardly we just are that which "IS" absolute infinite spirit.

'WE' are all way beyond the temporal limits of the word existence , our spirit was never born

nor will it ever cease to be. 

We are LIFE and all life is UNBORN and eternal. The bottom line is that NONE of US have

ever existed and what's more will never EXIST, because we are all ETERNAL BEING, UNBORN


This relative universe is awash with what seems like infinite diversity, and infinite number of

apparently differing things all standing out from one another all seemingly existing separate 

lives, but the truth is seen when you become aware that all this diversity infinite so it appears

has all but ONE common denominator and that all the divergence of expressions all emerge 

out of one SOURCE, and that one source is LIFE, and behind that LIFE which is relative

stands the total reality of itself as that of Absolute Spirit. which is NON-EXISTENCE.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday, 26 October 2021


 What is real? What remains unchanged for all eternity? Has life a beginning, and if so

when will  it end? If we look closely at what duality actually is, we find that it is only

a temporal presentation, and is not therefore eternal. What then do we all crave for within

our heart of hearts ? We all crave 'PERMANENCY' this is an inbuilt instinctive urge that

lies within our central core of being. The idea that one day we may not be aware and therefore

alive, causes us to feel uneasy and often fearful. Why is this? The answer lies within the central

core of our being , which transcends the illusion (MAYA) of duality and temporality, and at this

core of our being we know that in truth we are all eternal beings. If we investigate this 

realization further we find that we are all Divine beings  part of ONE COLLECTIVE

WHOLENESS, which we call LIFE. In truth we are all DIMINISHED made 

VULNERABLE by our gross ignorance of just who and what we really are.

Our ignorance is the cause of all our fears which become multiplied by our doubts and self

worth issues. We therefore become lesser than being WHOLE and complete intact beings.

All life where ever it is expressed here on earth or anywhere else in this universe becomes

a temporal incursion into the duality based relative universe. It gains MOTION, motion

equates directly with LIFE and all duality. All life has motion, they are one of the same

thing. We can remember if we look deep enough within us that before our INCURSION

into MOTION ("LIFE"), "WE" were all transcendent of LIFE and instead we were that


Only NOW, PURE SPIRIT, and PURE  AWARENESS are ETERNAL and changeless, all

else is MAYA ILLUSION. We are all here to basically experience this truth which will

reveal itself to us through the gathering of enough experiences to penetrate through our

ignorance, and gift us with the realization of our COMPLETE WHOLENESS.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday, 25 October 2021


 What is life truly?, Does anybody really know ? In this coming blog I will try and explain

how I see life after searching for answers within myself for over 47 years of daily 

meditations, and seeking to know what the ESSENCE of life actually is, and what is it really

called?  One thing i came to understand in over four decades of seeking what that we refer to

as life in effect means EVERYTHING within this UNIVERSE, that this entire physical 

universe is FULLY and TOTALLY ALIVE! I came to understand that our understanding

of life was in fact one of gross ignorance. And that on closer inspection we see that all is 

alive and moving within an atomic frequency that is literally mind blowing. The planet

Earth is alive GAIA, mountains are alive all vibrating with rapid frequency.  I found  out

that in truth there is NO such a thing as a dead (lifeless) object in existence anywhere in

this relative universe. The reality I found was that ALL was ALIVE, the next question was 

that of what is this ALIVENESS that makes it LIFE? The first thing I discovered was that

life means MOTION anything  that moves and has an atomic frequency (vibrations)  is

ALIVE. LIFE emerges from stillness (motionlessness)  and this stillness stateless state is

then called SPIRIT, SPIRIT never moves (it has no need to because it is omnipresent)  in its

absolute stateless state, But  when spirit emerges from stillness it immediately becomes LIFE

and therefore gains motion. MOTION  acts as covering and an anchor (lowering vibration 

rate and condensing) and thereby permits it entry into the relative universe.

So  the answer as to what is LIFE  is that it is SPIRIT  when still and motionless, and

LIFE when it moves and has vibration and density, which is perpetual motion per say.

Humanity WILTS under the lash of gross ignorance as to the true nature and immortal divine

heritage and identity. The simple rule is that if it moves (atomic motion)  then it is alive, If 

it has zero atomic motion (vibration) it is no longer called LIFE, but rather its other stateless

state of being PURE SPIRIT.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback most welcomed, comments too, Facebook.

If this blog resonates with you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday, 9 October 2021

Friday, 8 October 2021


 The great master SRI RAMANA MAHARSHI was once asked by one of his devotees the

question, "How should I treat others" Master"? To which RAMANA MAHARSHI replied,

"there are no others"! I have pondered on this answer for many years , and have come to

the realization that makes most sense to me. And that is the meaning of "others" what are

they OTHER THAN? They cannot be other than life, and we all our ONE LIFE. So  in

truth no one being can be other than what it IS, which is LIFE, and LIFE is always in the

singular, there is no plural on the word LIFE.

It is therefore a singular reality. And that being so , we as that of humanity are all ONE

LIFE FORCE manifesting as the illusion of 7.7 billion "OTHERS". We that of humanity

are all represented by just ONE word  "LIFE"!

So when we examine the truth that is LIFE we can see clearly that although we seem to be

very many , the truth is that we are really just ONE MOVING LIFE FORCE posing as

many by occupying physical biological machines , which are all animated by the ONE

universal life force.

Remove our outer shell and we are all the very same THING.! All our apparent differences

are just shadows within the living LIGHT of the LIFE ESSENCE.

The reality is that NO-THING can POSSIBLY be OTHER than what it is, and that is LIFE.

This whole universe is the relative expression of an absolute reality, the entire universe is

alive with living ENERGY, all this energy equates to just one word which is LIFE. There is

no such a thing as something that exists OTHER than life.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization,

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family or friends Thanks.

Thursday, 7 October 2021


 There is but ONE SOURCE, and from that one source comes the many. The many are all 

replications of the ONE SOURCE, as no other thing other than the SOURCE EXISTS 

anywhere in REALITY. ONE THING only exists anywhere in the universe. We see many

and imagine that there is indeed many , but this idea of many is an ILLUSION and does

not equate with reality.

We think that atoms are here in their quadrillions, the reality is that in fact there is only 

ONE ATOM in existence all the "others" are nothing but replications of that PROMORDIAL


Humanity seems to be 7.7 billion souls on Earth, but this too is an illusion. there is in fact just

ONE LIFE FORCE on Earth , and in our case 7.7 billion vehicles that are used by the ONE

LIFE force in order to gather tangible experience here on Earth.

This blog called IRIS  is about understanding this replication sequence, and therefore become

able to see and fully understand the process of LIFE, to be able to look within ourselves as see

and hopefully feel the connection we have with one another. We are all totally connected and

interconnected with each other, and all other life expressions.

Once we leave the number one and try to add other numbers, all you are doing is repeating 

the primal number over and over, and calling it different names, one is the beginning and the end

of all calculations.

'WE' are all ONE LIFE FORCE, replicated 7.7 billion times, 'we' are all here to gather 

experience on becoming tangible and therefore able to feel, see, hear, taste, smell, touch.

to experience the illusion of the many, and experience the interactions that come on line 

within that illusion, all our 7.7 billion selves pool together a collective of experiences that

will all be fed into the ONE SOURCE.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday, 6 October 2021


 Humanity consists of 7.7 billion 'shadow walkers' something that present day science calls

impossible, that of having a solid shadow that has substance and is distinct. 'WE' are all 

solid shadows whose spirit essence casts a shadow within this relative reality of this physical

universe. This 'shadow' is basically the physical body which carries the invisible spiritual

light essence of the Spirit  within it.  

We are in effect and in fact solid light shadow walkers, spiritual light that has become condensed

down in vibration and contracted into congealed solid light. As the radiant ray of our spirit shines

downwards (lower vibration) it basically congeals and sets into a biological machine body which

we call a human being.

In absolute reality there is no such a thing in existence that is called a human being, that term only

applies to the biological machine that the soul occupies while here on earth. We sadly become so

deluded by our vehicles that we actually believe that the vehicle is actually YOU!  When we say 

the words "I AM" we are referring directly and solely to the biological vehicle, and not to the 

SOUL that dwells within the outer shell vehicle.

We are all totally transcendent of this biological vehicle , this blog title SWIFT is about our

inner faculty coming on line, and SWIFTLY moving us into a level of consciousness and 

perceptive awareness  where we can begin to instinctively feel that spiritual reality that lies 

deeply within us all. By recasting our gaze inwards we are beginning to look into that at

first is an invisible inner light, but will gradually begin to emit an inner glow of spiritual

light, that will eventually reveal the very real presence of your very own immortal divine


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday, 5 October 2021


 The matrix of humanity, the core of our existence is Absolute Stillness. Our core being

does not exist within this relative universe. 'WE' exist Transcendent of this universe as ONE


The problem with being in that stateless state is that NO-THING EVER HAPPENS, all is 

eternally motionlessness  and absolute silence. Zero Matter, light, darkness, zero existence

nothingness Absolute. In order to move to experience the experiences of experience, there 

had to be motion. And motion came about within the curious idea of Thought  Arising within

the Infinite Mind  of the Source. Space as we think we know it , is an infinite expanse of living

vibrant energy. Spirit which is the essence of the SOURCE becomes condensed into energetic

matter, substance becomes tangible, the intangible Source through a ;process of super 

condensation  and contraction of essence becomes relative, and therefore able to experience


When we all awoke after aeons of unconscious experiencing, and become human beings, we 

were then becoming conscious of who we really were.

Our billions of years of motioning through limitless space, were coming to an end, as we all 

became SELF AWARE.

Instinctively and intuitively there is within us all a yearning an irrepressible urge to return

HOME, this urge is motioned deep within us all, and is called the mighty OM or AUM this

silent sound is an inbuilt homing beacon, that guides all its charges home, to that place of

permanent BLISS and joy.

Space is indeed our home while we remain relative and therefore are being expressed within

motion, but our true and eternal home lies beyond the reaches of relativity, and within the 

Absolute we find eternal rest and bliss.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday, 4 October 2021


 One of the most ancient sciences is that of meditation, which has been practiced for 

thousands of years. It is the primary science of becoming. Becoming is the journey

that you will travel within the uncovering curve of meditation. Meditation is the science 

of uncovering and exposing what lies beneath the layers of ignorance that hides our real

self from view.

Meditation acts as a dissolver of all our ignorance, and opens us up to an expanded level

of awareness and consciousness. We as humanity can never hope to fully understand who

and what we really our underneath this FACADE of form, without using the science of 

meditation  or yoga.

Outwardly we can know much about life and its cycles, but unless we look inward into 

ourselves, we will never know or ever understand the true immortal nature of who we 

really are.

We all seem to spend most of our lives looking outward, constantly distracted by electronic

gadgets like smart phones, which keep us transfixed on forever looking at their plastic screens

and never taking the trouble to look inward, and see what lies there.

Meditation has the key that will unlock us from our ignorance, and open up our inner selves

so that we can at last become acquainted with who we really are.

The only real DEGREE worth having is that of having a degree in self knowing and that of

recognising the true nature of who we are, which is immortal divine souls.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday, 3 October 2021


 Meditation is the best way I know to become aware and become consciously knowing

what is real, and what is not. Looking within ourselves is the only way I know that leads

to full self knowing.

The widow that reflects the light of the higher self the soul, is found only within ourselves.

By making that inner journey we are embarking upon a journey that will if we persist in this

venture. eventually lead us into the full awareness of who we really are, underneath this FACADE

of the human vehicle.

Meditation reveals the reason why we all need inner silence, for it is only in the quiet interior

that we can truly find ourselves. Our minds are basically thought manufacturers churning out

an endless supply of thoughts, whether needed or not. 

We need to learn how to let go of all thought and thinking and enter into the inner silence .

Here in that inner sanctum we will find peace and serenity, something that is in short supply

outside in the world.

One of the other great advantages i have discovered while meditating over the past 47 years

is that a spin off from meditation is that it also taps into our DNA and chromosomes  which

after a time of inner quietude will begin to secrete memories from past life experiences  and

other insights that we never knew. Inner calmness and a reduction of endless thoughts open

up a direct link with our DNA, and we are then able to access information that was previously

impossible for us to access.

Meditation is the ancient science of uncovering and revealing what lies beneath the ignorance

of our true immortal divine identity. As we venture deep within ourselves, we in effect are 

uncovering layer upon layer of ignorance, that hides our inner divine light under a bushel of


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday, 2 October 2021


 This last part of the destiny of mankind examined is the hardest one to write about . The

Translation process. There is no written reference anywhere about the translation process, I

searched the internet with zero results .So I have used myself as a reference point, in my

47 years of meditation and the insights and intuition I have gained to write this last blog of

the four part serial of mankind's ultimate destiny.  I will explain the translation process here.

Translation is the fulfilment of the the ascension process of life. Where the tangible physical 

body is thereby converted into pure energy, which is SPIRIT. by the process of unconditional

surrender unto the higher self, and also unconditional letting go of all resistance , so that all

resistance falls to ZERO-POINT , which then opens up a tear or rip in the fabric of space ,

which is the membrane that separates the absolute from the relative universe. This membrane

is that of touching the garment of BRAHMAN , touching the hem (membrane)  of GOD,

which then results in full realization within and into the ABSOLUTE, while in full waking

consciousness, ant thereby cancels out the illusion of death, that we all still entertain,

Basically by this complete and total surrender to the all of the ALL we invoke the Translation

sequence which in fact is that of PURE COLD FUSION the total transformation of matter

into PURE fusional ENERGY.

In this final part of translation which although it will effect every human being at sometime in

some other life time, not today.

At present there are most likely no more than 7 souls on this Earth today who are in the 

process of reaching this final state of ascension, but I am mentioning it here because it is all

our destiny and needs mentioning here I feel.

All 7.7 billion of us are all well into the transformation and transmutation stages, fewer of us 

are in the transfiguration stage, and only a handful at the final stage. but each one of us our

heading in the right direction, if we take the time and the endeavour to look within ourselves

we can actually bring about a quickening process that will speed us up on the ascension arc

back into completion.

When we can empty our minds of all thought, enter into the total silence within us, we then

expand our awareness and consciousness levels, this reveals that in truth we know nothing,

and as we can then embrace nothing, we are in fact embracing ALL. To create space within

us, to enable a download of infinite wisdom to enter that space we have provided, is the 

beginning of wisdom, which is that we know nothing.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday, 1 October 2021


 In part two, I outlined roughly the transmutation phase which we will all undergo 

throughout our evolution expression sequence. This phase of transmutation lasts for

many life time incarnations, a gradual transforming process that takes place within us.

Where we exchange base dross energy into finer more ethereal energy and atoms, over

many incarnations. We each have memory atoms encoded within our DNA, which follow

us throughout our incarnations process, our DNA has all the information of our whole 

expression into form encoded within its chemical atoms, we can never fully forget who 

we are. Today we are at part three, which is the transfiguration phase of our journey

through the ascension phase .Now here I would like to point out that the process of

transfiguration IS A NATURAL PROCESS, that EVERY human BEING will experience

on their journey to the full realization of their SELF as that of GOD/BRAHMAN the

Absolute. The only reference point made in our history mentions only one soul that of

JESUS who transfigured. However this omits to consider that universal holy (WHOLE)

LAW states that whatsoever happens to the ONE ALSO happens to the ALL, for ALL is

ONE and ONE is ALL such is the absolute immutable law of expressed LIFE. JESUS was

NOT an EXCEPTION to that law, he was just a part of it, like we all our. And each human

being will eventually experience the transfiguration process. In part two i mentioned that there

were literally millions going through the transmutation phase today. The transfiguration stage

will take longer to achieve. and will occur "one soul at a time" over many more life times

here on Earth. The first 777 incarnations the experience takes us through the transforming

process and the beginning of the transmutation process the next 77 incarnations refine this 

transmutation process and begins opening the inner door to the transfiguration process to begin.

At present there are about several thousand souls who are beginning to receive impulses of

spiritual energy, transforming their atomic chemistry  from within, and they will be getting

flashes of illumination within their consciousness  building to a CRESENDO experience 

in another lifetime

Everyone of you reading this today, will one day undergo this most exciting and thrilling

experience, It is not just confined to one individual two thousand years ago, that idea goes

against natural universal immutable law. In part four tomorrow I will put forward the most

difficult part of this four part destiny of mankind, which is the TRANSLATION PHASE

and the end of our human evolution journey.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass kit onto your family and friends Thanks,