In order for the SELF to be able to become 'EXISTANT' within this planet Earth it needs
a transportation mode that will permit it entry into relative time and space. The first question
to answer is what is the SELF? The SELF is the Absolute Brahman, the eternal immortal
Absolute GOD of ALL there IS and WILL ever BE. NO-THING exists other than the SELF.
YOU and ME dear reader of this blog are all the SELF fragmented into FRACTAL FACETS
of the WHOLE ONENESS of the SELF.
These fractal facets of the SELF, which is you and me, need a transportation conveyance to
enable us to journey here from the Absolute into relativity.
This is done via a singularity vortex that encapsulates the life energy fractal (YOU) and then
rotates it downwards into the relative universe, exiting out on planet Earth. That's how we all
arrive here on Earth, and are held within the embrace of the rotating vortex singularity for the
entire time we remain incarnate here on Earth. When we cease to remain here(die, change
venues) we then ascend out of this dimension and inti the Astral domain via another vortex
that lifts out the life essence, which is the Astral body, and escorts us into the astral life, where
we rest and reflect upon our latest visit here on Earth.
We all remain on this downward and upward spiral until we can find out the true nature of
just what and who we really are in essence.
We all have countless incarnations here on Earth, working through and gradually dispelling
the gross ignorance that keeps us all 'prisoners of the planet', once we know that we are indeed
the SELF, then the door out of further incarnations opens wide for us all, and then we need
never incarnate again on this planet Earth, unless of course we chose to, and come back here
in full waking consciousness of our true eternal identity, and thereby chose through an act
of selfless service, to return and incarnate here to thereby aid and help there brothers and
sisters, to know themselves and thereby no longer a prisoner of this planet, and also released
from any further incarnations here.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.