Wednesday, 23 November 2016

U.Prepare.Life.As.Yourself.Divine.Infinite.Consciousness.Expressed.=U. P.L.A.Y. D.I.C.E.

U Play Dice dear reader, is not life a gamble? What of your life ,have  you control over it, or does life control you? Is our fate set for us at birth, or can we make our own mark on life?
There are many questions that arise in our minds ,like  who is in control of my life? Is it me, fate, or God? Can I take control of my life? Yes you can, if you are prepared to make a few changes in your daily routine.
We need first to understand a few simple yet profound realities about us as human beings ,first  we need to understand what is this "MY" that is life? We do not own life!! We are LIFE ,that  is what we are Living-Intelligent-Focussed-Energy=LIFE it is NOT ours ,or  yours, or mine, it is just simply LIFE which is present everywhere within this universe it just IS.
So when we can accept this simple yet profound fact, we then can begin to explore that dimensionless space within ourselves ,by  going within and beginning to practise a daily program of meditation ,this  will begin to open up inner doorways that will lead you to a gradual expansion of consciousness ,
awareness ,and  perception.
If you are a beginner at the meditation science ,then  just start of with just five minutes a day ,sit  comfortably if you can sit cross legged with ease fine do that, and try and keep the spine upright and as straight as you can and be relaxed with that ,if
 you cannot sit cross legged that's okay, just  sit upright in a chair, spine as erect as is easy for  you, ,palms , upwards on your lap ,and  just observe your breathing, do not try and control your thoughts ,just  let them go, ignore them ,just  focus on your breath, nothing more ,do  this for five minutes a day ,when  that becomes easy for you, add another five minutes and keep doing this until you can manage 30 minutes a day.
If you persist in this by the time you get to 30 minutes a day ,you  will have noticed  many changes that have occurred from within you.
You will then be well on your way to encountering the higher  self (soul) and will have had the experience of hearing that still small voice within you, calling out a welcome to you.
warmest regards Michael.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Consciousness Opens Doorways Emergence. C.O.D.E.

What is it that emerges from within the open door of our consciousness? What lies beneath our cardboard cut out persona? Consciousness is an ocean of energy, how much we have access to depends upon our ability to find  depth within our being. Many of us ,millions in fact are drowning in the shallowness of ignorance and materialism and are basically two dimensional expressions which  would be three dimensional expressions if so many of us had not got "lost" along the way.
The  C.O.D.E. that we need to open the door that will eventually lead us to a state of emergence and where we will be "reborn "of  the spirit and be able with effort and practise to establish conscious contact with our higher self (soul),is that of meditation and yoga.
We need to understand fully and realize that truth and reality can only be ever found in one place ,and that is within YOU, without is full of snares, traps for the unwary, and is also the home of superficial bullshit posing as something of weight and substance.
Without leads to dis-ease and termination and is by nature exclusive, within leads to wholeness and healing and is by nature inclusive.
We all have an urge to know who we really are, we need to feel whole and safe, we are by our divine nature boundless and free, yet  countless millions of us  are prisoners within ourselves ,and  most do not even know they are in a prison of their own making with no bars to be seen.
Turn our gaze inward ,sit   quietly and observe your breath, let go of all arising thoughts ,just  focus on the breath in and out, relaxed and at ease with yourself, if you make a daily practise of this ,say just five minutes at a time and  slowly build on this as it becomes easier ,if  you persist with this practise your awareness and perceptions will expand ,you  will feel more relaxed and peaceful within and you will be on your way to a new level of consciousness and understanding the nature of who YOU dear reader really ARE!
warmest regards Michael.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

We Are Forever Trapped In Now Gateway.-W.A.F.T.I.N.G.

Now is the time of our discontent, we are all firmly anchored in the eternal now and will always be that way. How we fight this and imagine that there is an actual future and a past behind us. Now stretches out before us infinite in all directions ,now  can be as small as a sub atomic particle ,and  as  large as a universe Now is stationary ,and  has never moved, it cannot move as it is ubiquitous  and absolute, life however that is firmly locked within an evolutionary arc of expression can and does move and has done so in a now that defies our imagination, billions of centuries have come and gone
and all is contained in the ever present now.
A gateway into an expanded now(expanded only in that our consciousness becomes aware of an unknown aspect of the now) through meditation and certain yoga practices we can go within ourselves and explore a now that was invisible and unknowable to us , we can motion through a space where the laws of life seem very different than they are within the physical realm, you can fly for instance, just imagine it so and behold you are aloft, you find that as soon as you think a thing it is there instantly (the same thing happens on the Earth plane, but it takes much longer to materialize, so we need be very careful what we think and say ,because  by the law of cause and effect Karma, we "always "get  back what we put out, such is the law.
By going within ourselves and persisting with this most noble endeavour we will discover our true self, open a window within the now that leads to limitless possibilities and discoveries and as a by product of this find an inner peace that is beyond understanding.

warmest regards Michael.

We Are L.I.F.E. Living-Intelligent-Focussed-Energy=L I.F.E.

I am "not" alive, rather I am Life ,there  is a big difference. Living Intelligent Focussed Energy, shaped into a human form and "held" in the cohesive embrace of our souls Intent. The intention of the soul is that we gain experience through living in physical form and learn from that experience and grow and expand in consciousness, perception ,and  awareness .The  inner expression of intelligent energy is that of formlessness and invisible and "it" fills the universe with its hidden presence,(dark energy ,perhaps?) All is mind ,and  mind is another word for energy ,they  are the same thing.
Death is an illusion,The Whole universe is totally alive, no-thing else exists ,except LIFE .What  we call death is really just a change of expression from physical life to etheric/astral life.we "die" in the physical body ,and  arise in our astral body and continue living as before.
Focussed intent by our soul holds within the physical body long enough for us to experience what is needed for this particular trip to this heavy physical realm ,when  that is done the focus is withdrawn and we exit the vehicle (die).
All life is within an ocean of pure intelligent energy, we are self aware "points" within this super vast eternal ocean, self aware and self conscious, "pressed into shape and "in-formed" into what we call humanity ,humanity  is expressed and formed by "Intention" the intention is focussed by the soul and
as expansion is the way of evolutionary experience, we "hopefully" learn from our experiences and modify our negative traits ,re-cognise that we are all related to one another ,become  inclusive in our visions, rather than the selfish ways of exclusivity. We then learn to love one another, love and respect all nature and creatures.We then become REAL rather than the cardboard cut out so many of us are, we grow up ,put  away our toys, and become mature human beings ,who  are childlike in expression and wonder at the beauty of life, rather than the child-ish nature so many of us exhibit today.
warmest regards Michael.

Saturday, 5 November 2016

At Landmark Crisis Holographic Empathy Manifests "YOU" =A.L.C.H.E.M.Y.

Alchemy is the chemistry of God ,the  fusion of man with divinity. A divine science that is a revolutionary psychology that burns the ego into ashes and later raises the phoenix into the Christified  soul.
We have a dense physical body (the lead?) and we also have several other bodies (the gold) the idea of divine alchemy is to raise the vibrational rate of our dense physical body by right living, right thinking ,right  action, by being positive, practising meditation and yoga, ..being loving and kind as best we can. If we persist in this most noble endeavour we then begin to loose our dense physical atoms ,and  these are transmuted into finer and more etheric  atoms, we then begin the process of building a "lighted body".
This is the beginning of the transmutational process that refines the dense physical man (lead) into that valued commodity GOLD ,if  we look at the word G.O.L.D, what do we find? We have the first two letters GO the letter L which  if expanded actually spells out LOST ,and  the letter D expanded comes to the word Delivered.
Divine transmutation occurs within the orbit of natural law and will always manifest within us if we live and act in a whole disciplined way of life, we are the alchemists if you so choose to be, you can be a modern day MERLIN if you so wish, such is the law..
We are ALL souls with bodies, and NOT bodies with souls ,our  lower self is the lead ,heavy ,dull, and dense ,our  higher self is the soul (gold) our task if we are up to it, and can turn away long enough from the plastic bull shit world out there,  instead look within find your true self and be born again in a consciousness awareness of what is REAL and what is bullshit posing as have substance.
warmest regards Michael.

G.R.A.C.E.=God Reveals Actual Conscious Energy.

Through our  experiences and varying crisis,there begins an unfolding sequence that begins to emerge within us.This may take the form of extra sensitivity to feelings arising within you,and a increased sensitivity to others,empathy within you comes full on.
Through our experiences with crisis and the pain and anguish that often follows,it begins to show us that the answer to our life long questions,cannot be answered out there! We begin to look within us,and when we do that we come in contact with that reality that most of us are not even aware of,that of Grace.
Grace is the natural law of the universe synchronising with our energy output and completing an inner harmonic sequence that we have aligned ourselves to,without even being remotely aware of that response from Divine harmonics.
Good Orderly Direction -God comes into play when we are becoming aligned to the inner frequencies and harmonics of natural law,we then see wonderful things arising within our lives and call that the handiwork of God.
Grace is the action of our higher self (soul) that comes into play consciously  when we begin to "wake up" and see that we are far more that just physical beings.

warm regards michael.