This blog today entitled SMILES is about how PURE ABSOLUTE SPIRIT becomes
LOCALIZED from its natural OMNIPRESENT STATE, into a relative sub-atomic
Singularity point of reference , which is then deposited within the heart chakra , which
becomes the anchor point of reference which is thereby known as a Divine ATOM
anchored within the life streams KOSHIC SHEATHS that make up the full signature
of what we term as a human being. Here we need to fully understand what life actually
"IS". LIFE is a "TEMPORAL PHENOMENON" which arises out from motionless
absolute eternal spirit. LIFE in FACT is that of "SPIRIT in MOTION" and the motion
arises from within the INTENTION thought wave of the SOURCE Absolute SPIRIT MIND.
All life universally is SPIRIT "CLOTHED over by KOSHIC SHEATHS" which are
supplied by Divine ELEMENTAL Intelligent Energies, which is that of Earth-Air- fire
Water- and the ethereal essence. All life is an "APPEARANCE" of spirit in motional MODE
which is atomic vibration, all life is a temporal phenomenon , while spirit is the eternal
absolute NOUMENON. Humanity consists of eight billion KOSHIC sheaths which presents
mankind within a five dimensional layered signature presentation sequence. Five KOSHIC
layers of elemental force that hold and protect the pure SPIRIT ATOM which lies in the
heart chakra from becoming into contact with gross matter. Life begins and ends, because
it is a temporal phenomenon , but the true inner being which is SPIRIT is UNBORN and
ETERNAL . "WE" are just here to experience physical relative motional life. This experiencing
goes on all over this universe, all the stars and planets are all LIFE experiencing what a star
and planets FEEL like. SMILED seeks out the inner nature of what life actually "IS".
warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
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