Sunday, 2 March 2025



This blog today entitled SAMPLE is about understanding what life actually is,

and that this entire relative universe is totally and absolutely contained within

the Absolute Mind of the absolute SOURCE of ALL THERE IS. NO-THING

EXISTS outside of Absolute MIND,  ALL is contained within IT.  The word

OUTSIDE is totally and absolutely meaningless, when we fully understand the

NATURELESS NATURE of Absolute REALITY, which is far different from 

relative reality. Relative reality is all about perpetual motion which is that of 

atomic excitation  of matter . Absolute reality is motionless VOID of anything

known to us. Eternal perpetual motionlessness silent BLISS. SAMPLE is about

how we can look within ourselves and connect with the ALL MIND. There is 

only ONE ABSOLUTE MIND in this universe , there are not eight billion 

minds within humanity, this if FICTION.  ONE MIND that "WE" all tune into .

All life is within one mind , life is "IDEATION INTENTION FOCUSING"

All life is a FIGMENT of Divine Mind ideation. Life is atomic excitation which

is produced by a FOCUSED IDEA within Absolute MIND.   All stars and planets 

are alive and vibrate. All energy is intelligent  mind in motion . Humanity is eight

billion focused ideas in motional gathering experiencing mode! "WE" are all divine

mind in a motioning gateway which we call LIFE. Divine Mind crystallized into 

billions of formalized shapes and signatures,. that are all gathering experiences 

of motional vibratory life. "WE" are all basically condensed LIGHT intelligent energy

focused into a singularity point of reference and are all reflecting our experiences of

life back to the Motionless SOURCE MIND that we are all occupied within its 


warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization,

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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