arise from? The IGNITION SPARK that gave birth to ALL LIFE , began with a
PRIMORDIAL IDEA, this primal IDEA which was an INTENTION in Absolute
MIND, brought about something that never existed before the Absolute MIND
INTENTION which was "MOTION" equals that of THOUGHT Motion is the
Absolute and fundamental matrix of ALL LIFE universally. Motion and Thought
are synonymous. All life was ignited into motional expression by that primordial
thought intention wave, that brought MOTION out from motionlessness and eternal
stillness. Life is basically SPIRIT IN MOTION, clad over by what is called KOSHIC
SHEATHS. We need to fully understand what the term life actually means? Here life
means that it has atomic vibration it "MOVES" if it moves and has atomic vibration
it is alive. Motion=LIFE, motionless=SPIRIT eternal. This criteria means that all
the stars and planets are all alive , if fact this entire universe is totally and fully alive
"ALL IS ALIVE" all has atomic vibration. This idea is not about life as we know it,
because our idea of what life basically is ,relies on our lack of understanding as to
what life really "IS". We fail to see and understand the reality of how planets and
stars are more ALIVE that WE ARE! Many insightful human beings here on this
planet Earth see this planet as GAIA a planetary SPIRIT, which is far more
intelligent and ALIVE than we are. When we fully wake up we will see exactly what
life really is, and we will see how we are all fully connected and interconnected to
all universal appearances.
warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
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