Saturday, 1 March 2025



This blog today entitled HEW is about how we can all "CUT THROUGH" the

blanket of ignorance that veils humanity from knowing who and what we all

really are. We are all Divine Eternal Spirit undergoing a Human relative experience.

We are not "here to learn anything", we are here to "WAKE UP" through engaging

in motional experiencing. We cannot learn WISDOM, because "wisdom is what we

ARE"! We are all the embodiment of Divine eternal Wisdom . Divine wisdom is what

you ARE!  We need to wake up and seek out our true immortal nature by looking deeply

within ourselves.  Enfolded and vouchsafed within every human being on this planet is that

of a Divine  ATOM  which is our Divine ANCHOR and divine connection  to that HOLY

place of our Divine Origin. Our heart chakra is the location of our Divine Spirit Atom.

Seek this out within you. Wisdom is what you are! And this divine wisdom is layered 

over by our physical vehicle body. Wisdom is Divine spirit Intelligence  it "Cannot be 

learned"  IT is what YOU ARE!  Learning is just a relative concept,  while wisdom is

Absolute Awareness and Divine. YOUR SELF is that of  Divine Spirit, which is called the

HIGHER SELF . Our lower self is that of the vehicle the ego personality, added on by our

memories from birth to death  (change venues). The lower self is basically a biological

machine nothing more than that. A machine that holds a place for SPIRIT to gain access

and purchase into this super dense physical dimension. UNCOVER that blanket of 

ignorance dwells within you , and HEW through this lower ego temporal reality, and 

uncover the inherent wisdom that lies within us all.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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