Saturday, 8 March 2025


This blog today entitled BRISTLE is about BLACKHOLES and revealing their 

hidden nature, which will show that BLACKHOLES are that of universal recycling

of what could be seen as a feed back loop, which flows back to SOURCE that INTENTION

THOUGHT WAVE that gave birth to this universe billions of years ago. BLACKHOLES

and super massive BLACKHOLES all play a part in the universal recycling of matter back

into pure intention within Absolute MIND. When we fully understand that this entire universe

is a product of MIND, then it will become much more clear as to what part that BLACKHOLES

play in keeping the relative universe in a permanent balance of equilibrium. The Black hole

is basically a shredder of ideational condensed matter back into pure awareness of Absolute

Mind, Matter goes into the black hole vortex and is pulled apart with a force that is beyond

human comprehension. The only thing that can exit a black hole singularity  is intangible

awareness mind. The black hole singularity returns the Original IDEA back from its relative

motional state to that of absolute stillness of the ALL MIND. If man could venture to the

"EVENT HORIZON" of a black hole , we could send an intangible signal wave through a 

black hole vortex , and make contact with SOURCE MIND. Or a much safer and easier way 

would be to take up meditation and go deep within your self. Black holes are doorways to

the Absolute , the exit point of a black hole singularity is within the Absolute void  of 

ALLNESS. You go in with matter and exit matter-less!  BLACKHOLES are closer to you

than you will ever imagine, we all our singularity points of reference, what does this IMPLY?

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resontes within yu then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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