This blog today entitled BIAS is about being able to understand what this relative
universe actually IS. INTUITION and the ancient wisdom reveal to me that this
entire universe is an Infinite Absolute SPHERE of relative IDEATIONAL MIND
FIELD of which permits all life to arise within its relative embrace . An infinite
SPHERE of universal vibration which has an inbuilt intentional field which motions
all vibratory life within an infinite diversity dictate. This infinite sphere is within and
fully contained within the ABSOLUTE EMBRACE of Absolute MIND. The infinite
SPHERE is literally and absolutely a "MIND FIELD" of endless possibilities and
infinite diversity of the ONE DIVINE intentional IDEA. Our universe is a mind field
of endless experiencing. LIFE is the "IDEA" clothed into form, life is the "IN-FORMED"
IDEATION of Divine MIND. "WE" are all "IDEAS" that have become "IN-FORMED"
(having a physical body vehicle) All life universally consists of infinite diversity in-formed
"IDEAS"! Consciousness fills this sphere and is formed and shaped into infinite diverse
life expressions. Consciousness in essence is PURE AWARENESS , pure awareness is
Absolute and motionlessness, while consciousness mover through and around the infinite
sphereof the universe. Humanity are all consciousness embedded vehicles on the outside
and deep within lies pure awareness. All life is eternal in essence and is that of Spirit Divine.
Life exist solely in the MIND FIELD, which is the living SPHERE. OUTSIDE of the
warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
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