This blog today entitled PLACID is about how all life (vibratory motion)
arises out from the crystallization of Pure Absolute Awareness, into a relative
Ideational format within Absolute Mind. Absolute Mind equates sequentially with
that of Pure Absolute Awareness they are one of the same "THINGLESS THING".
Pure Intelligence Intangible and omnipresent. The primal intention LIFE WAVE
was inbuilt with the function to take diversity to its ultimate limitless limits. So
that life would be able to experience an infinite amount of infinite expressions and
modes of becoming a tangible unit or entity of life. When we can fully understand
this mode of awareness becoming crystallized into an informing entity species , we
will then realize what life really is, which in simple terms is that all life is PURE
SPIRIT awareness (GOD), crystallized into a relative format and then localized
into this universes space time continuum, by an intention from within absolute mind.
Baring in mind that PURE AWARENESS (GOD) is motionlessness and Absolute
Eternal BEING. and we that of life or in our case Humanity are all informed (awareness)
by us becoming localized into this space time continuum which is that of a crystallization
condensing method which is acted out by a singularity vortex which condenses pure
awareness into a tangible density energy field which is then "INFORMED" as a life
motioning unit or entity. PLACID is about how we are all mind awareness set into
DENSITY and localized into this space time continuum. PURE AWARENESS
is what we all our , when the density layers are removed, then we awaken into
Eternal BEING, as we were before the life experience began,.
warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks
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