This blog today entitled LOOSING is about the hidden nature of life, which to
become presented into this universes space time continuum , has to become an
occupier of SPACE which is the universal ocean of Intelligent Energy, in which
all life arises out from and returns to. All life is the motioning "IDEA" from within
Infinite MIND, the life entity is INFORMED by intelligent energy and then animated
by SPIRIT PRESENCE, within the life presentation sequence, and within that presentation
an ATOM of Divine Mind the NUMEN is deposited within the entity. All life
universally is life presented visibly as that of a Nature informed entity, which is the
phenomenal visible presentation, while the invisible essence the NOUMENON is
that of the SPIRIT ATOM the Divine animator of all life universally. Humanity is no
exception to this universal rule of living expression. Mankind is the phenomenon "INFORMED"
(formed from within) made out from Intelligent Energy (SPACE) and thereby occupies that
portion of space by its presence within it. The invisible NOUMENON of mankind is
that Divine ATOM of Absolute MIND which is vouchsafed within the heart chakra of every
human being on this planet. LOOSING is about understanding not only the life principle
and what it really is, but also looking within ourselves and making conscious contact with
this Divine NUMEN ATOM within us. We can and do make contact with this Divine SPARK
that lives deep within us all,. Meditation or yoga are great ways to look within ourselves
and make conscious contact with that divine inner NUMEN.
warmest regards michael. an y feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization;
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
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