Monday 11 March 2024



This blog today entitled TOUCH is about the way Humanity is being presented 

upon this planet Earth. The Triangulation effect is the way we are all presented 

here on this planet. We all are presented in a triangular sequence which comprises 

of that of being a physical , mental, and spiritual presented informed template.

Humanity is a three fold triangular based life form. The problems that arise within

this three fold expression , are that so many of us human beings are not really aware

and thereby function only on the first two aspects of this three pronged expression

which is that of the physical and mental being. So many of us though are not fully

aware of our inner spiritual nature. Some are vaguely aware of their spiritual being,

while many know nothing about this inner aspect at all. This leaves many of us in

humanity only operating on two aspects of our presented sequence, which means 

that we are not "FULLY ALIVE" in all our presented sequence, We are "HALF

COCKED" and not fully loaded into full potential life stream experience.

The full awareness of our uniformed coalesced expression  has not surfaced into

our self aware consciousness, therefore we are not fully able to experience the full

potential of our  life journey through this incarnation of this present lifetime.

We can though become aware of our full three dimensional triangulation sequence 

by beginning to look within ourselves and see that we are all very familiar with the

first two aspects of our being , which is physical and mental , but we need to pay 

some attention to our spiritual inner needs, that needs bringing out into our full awake

awareness , Learn  how to know yourself, by going within and seeking out the answers 

that await within your intuition , seek out your intuition and get to know your full three

fold expression here on Earth.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail,com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then pease pass it onto your family  and friends Thanks.

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