Thursday 23 February 2023



This blog today entitled DEVAS  is about that  of Humanity and what lies beneath

the FACADE of FORM which is our physical body vehicle.

DEVAS is a word from HINDUISM meaning, "shiny" "Exalted" Heavenly, pure 

Excellence , which is what the inner core of all humanity really is..

A DEVA means a Divine being the word Deva is that of the masculine sex, while

the word DEVI is that  word for the feminine  divine being. So the whole of humanity

is made up from both Deva (male) and Devi (female) beings of Divine Spirit being 

clothed within the five KOSHAS of expression.

Every human being is Divine within its inner MATRIX, within the inner matrix the 

Pure Spirit being is SEX-LESS neither male nor female  but the potentiality for both

when expression (moved into life stream) is manifested.

Pure  Spirit , the SELF  the ESSENCE of our existence is sex-less, neither male nor 

female , or any other emerging sexual identity, it is only when "LIFE" approaches 

the "BELT of MATTER  that sexual orientation comes into existence.

Humanity at its inner core matrix has never been born, and therefore will never die,

at our core of being "WE" are all UNBORN ETERNAL BEING.

It is only the physical vehicle that dies, but you and me are "NOT" the vehicle ,

we are all that of Divine Spirit.

We have but to look within ourselves , make conscious contact with our inner GURU

which is our Divine Monitor which is the INTUITION FACULTY which we all have

within us. When we can tune into our INTUITION it will reveal to you that of your 

TRUE IMMORTAL IDENTITY, then you will fully understand that you are a DEVA 

(male) or DEVI (female)  having what could be seen as a human being experience 

here upon the Earth plane, in order to gather valuable experiences of tangible life

and the interactions that occur within  this process.

warmest regards michael. and feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it along to your family and friends Thanks.

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