This blog today entitled COSTS is about the inner nature of Divine universal Spirit
which to me spells out the word SERVICE. The coin or the currency of spirit seems
to be solely that of being of service. Spirit divine intelligence serves all life by its
holy presence within it. No life can exist anywhere in this universe without the
integral presence of spirit within it. Spirit is the NOUMENON the invisible integral
presence of all life universally. Life is the visible phenomenon that appears within
our relative domain of physical existence. In nature if a "thing" serves no purpose then
it is withdrawn from existence, which to us means that it dies , or fades away. How does this
apply to us human beings? How can we do as spirit does by being of some service? It is
written that that to "serve is noble" how many of us serve in our daily lives? Parents
serve their children until they are able to look after themselves. This inner nature of
human life is that we are all animated by an invisible divine intelligence force which
is that spirit PRESENCE within each one of us. How many of us truly realize this
invisible divine PRESENCE within us? The Presence serves us by manifesting a
physical vehicle body , so you can exist and live in this dense physical dimension.
Spirit is really serving itself by making itself a physical vehicle so that it can gain
access and purchase to this dense physical dimension in order to gain experience of
tangible life existence. When we can look deep within ourselves , we will then become
acquainted with the real "YOU" which is that of Divine Immortal Spirit. Then you will
have SERVED YOURSELF in a positive awakening way.
warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks/