Wednesday, 20 November 2024



This blog today entitled OM is about revealing and bringing out to our attention

the realization that there is only ONE MIND that operates within this universe,

and also transcends this universe totally. There is no such a thing as my mind, or your

mind. All of Humanity tune into the ONE MIND  which is the Absolute Singular

MIND of that Absolute Intelligent SELF SPIRIT BEING. Our physical brains are all

Electromagnetically connected to this One Absolute Infinite MIND of the SOURCE

of all there IS. MIND is an Absolute OCEAN of Intelligent ENERGY that enfolds this

relative universe within its AWESOME EMBRACE. All life with the exception of mankind

is PREPROGRAMMED  with instinctive behaviors, all life with the exception of mankind

cannot go against its programmed instinctive behavior, only mankind can defy mother 

nature will-fully ,  in addition mankind has the power of IDEATION and thought 

applications , which other life has not. ONE MIND also spells out the word "OM"

which is also a frequency of MIND which only operates within a relative  vibratory 

universe, it does not operate in absoluteness. The frequency of  OM interacts upon 

our brains beginning with a Subliminal Impression upon the brain, which when we 

take up meditation or yoga, the OM will become more of a signal  that we will consciously

recognise. OM is a homing beacon that reverberates deep within us pointing out that inner

searching will lead you into FULL SELF KNOWING. We all have eight billion individual

brains all  connected to ONE ABSOLUTE MIND through an electromagnetic field of

Intelligent Energy, that links us all into the one Universal MIND spectrum of life expression.

"WE" our the IDEA being made manifest as a living life ENTITY.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday, 19 November 2024



This blog today entitled AWED is about WORMHOLES and that they are,

and act as Dimensional connectors between differing degrees of awareness and

perceptions. They all operate  within the parameters of universal natural law. All

wormholes act as dimensional carriers of information from one dimension to another.

In near death experiences NDEs, many report of passing through a long tunnel of

light moving at a tremendous pace, this "tunnel" is in fact a "WORMHOLE" that 

connects this Earth plane to the astral dimension. The NDE is in fact being experienced

by the astral body, as the physical body remains forever anchored in the physical

dimension. When we have an NDE we move our awareness into the astral body into

the astral realms by way of a wormhole which conducts all astral bodies this way.

Every human being has an astral body which interpenetrates the physical vehicle body.

Besides NDE there are other ways to visit the astral realms . One way that I have 

personally experienced many times in my fifty years of meditating . In meditation we

can and do leave our physical body and become transported to the astral realm via a 

wormhole . We can also visit far of places in this universe in a blink of an  eye by way of

a conductive tour via a wormhole carrier sequence. I have personally experienced this and

was astounded by the majesty of conducting wormholes. AWED is about recognizing the

fact that we all have an astral body , and we visit the astral realms each night when asleep

we leave our physical body and flow into the astral body via a wormhole conductor . 

Wormholes are dimensional conductors of information and higher awareness  perceptions.

DIVINED deeply reveals that this is a perfectly natural process which operates within the 

natural laws of this universe.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


soul realization: ETERNAL IDEATIONAL PERIODIC CAUSELESSNESS. ...:   This blog today is about the birth of this universe which occurs periodically over trillions of years in a series of GREAT CYCLES. These c...

Monday, 18 November 2024



This blog today entitled SQUALLS is about how all life arose out of that Primordial

SQUALL which was the birth of this universe which began within the MAELSTROM

of Absolute CHAOS which issued out from the Absolute MIND of the Great singular

SPIRIT the SELF/SOURCE  of ALL. All life and that of existence arose out of that

primordial chaos, which was first called the INVOLUTION SEQUENCE  (IS)  , where

all universal to be laws were rolled up within that primordial intention thought wave, this

involution rolled out into a void  of no-thing-ness until it came to a point of a momentary

pause, here then ensued a motion began again , which began unrolling the input 

principles which all became known by us as the natural universal laws of expression..

Here evolution was born aloft that primordial intention thought wave. The evolution 

life wave sequence has been in place now for billions of years . It began in a point of

reference within the primordial atoms of IDEATION . Evolution is an arc of rotation

which means that when evolution is complete it will have enfolded the complete life

cycle of evolution which reveals the full nature of what LIFE actually IS? Which is

that of Intelligent Eternal UNBORN SPIRIT. When we reach FULL SELF KNOWING

it can become removed from the evolutionary arc and then transcend this temporal life

sequence into full eternal Absolute BEING. SQUALLS is about WAKING UP into the


is at the APEX POINT of its evolutionary cycle . We are all nearing the end  the need to

be involved in the Temporal life sequence , we can transcend this localization and 

become our true SELF which is Absolute eternal SPIRIT Intelligent SELF BEING.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

soul realization: UNBORN SPIRIT. U S .

soul realization: UNBORN SPIRIT. U S .:  "WE" have never been born, therefore how could you possibly die?? What is "born" is a vehicle you use to gather experie...

Sunday, 17 November 2024


This blog today entitled SCALE is about how LIFE  became a tangible motioning

intelligent divergent expression of that intangible Source of all Life, which is that of

Intangible Divine Absolute Spirit SELF. All life universally is basically and factually

the invisible NOUMENON of which when presented becomes the visible phenomenon,

which we call life, all life by the nature of its presentation into the medium of SPACE 

becomes a relative temporal incursion into the space time continuum. LIFE is always

Temporal and therefore relative, while the invisible essence of all life which is SPIRIT

is  Absolute and Eternal . SPIRIT equates directly with that of STILLNESS , because

Absolute Spirit has no use of MOTION as it is OMNIPRESENT and UBIQUITOUS

while life is all about motion in the form of atomic vibration, and the fact that we are

all localized into the format of the body  vehicle which we are all presented into this 

life stream medium. The basic life cycle of it being presented upon the stage of life

expression has been ongoing for billions of years , and we that of humanity have arrived

at what I call the "APEX POINT" in our evolutionary cycle, as far as we know we are

the only form of life expression that has become SELF AWARE. We all have our I AM

SELF AWARE consciousness, which means we are the only form of life on EARTH 

that can ask that question of WHO AM I REALLY?  We can now see how we got here

we can look behind the veil of ignorance and see that we are in essence that of Eternal

Spirit. We can look within ourselves and know who we really all are, which is that of

immortal divine spirit, we see that our physical body vehicle  is only a tool which

SPIRIT uses to explore motioning LIFE. YOU dear reader of this blog,  are NOT

the BODY, YOU are eternal BEING unborn and everlasting.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday, 16 November 2024


soul realization: MANKIND IS SELF CONTAINED HOLOGRAPHIC IMAGED ...:   This blog today entitled MISCHIEF is about bringing out the sequence of how  humanity and life in general are presented into this relative...