This blog today entitled SISTER is about us being able to realize that there is a
SANCTUARY within ourselves and that it lies within our Higher SELF, which
is our direct connection to Divine Absolute SPIRIT. We all need a place of
sanctuary at times, when life seems hard and unbearable to us, if we can realize
that there within us all lies a place of safety and inner peace and joy. THIS PLACE
is the "REAL YOU" your Higher SELF. We are NOT the BODY which is just
a biological machine made out from elemental intelligent energy, that has a "LABEL"
attached to it, which is your name your parent gave you, "John or Mary Smith" these
labels gave you the FALSE IDEA that this physical body is really who you are, but
this is a false assumption. The REAL YOU is that DIVINE SELF that SPIRIT ATOM
that is vouchsafed within your heart chakra. All of humanity are SPIRIT SELF, eternal
being, each one of us is an immortal divine being . Our "HUMANITY" consists solely
of eight billion biological machines , which are all vehicles for the Divine Spirit SELF
which animates the biological vehicle. When we all look deeply within ourselves what
you find first is your EGO which consists of your personality and memories since birth.
this EGO which you identify as who you think is really YOU is not really who you are .
When you look deeper into your inner self you will encounter what is called your
INTUITION. The INTUITION faculty will open the door into the real inner you.
Which is your HIGHER SELF . We are all presented upon this EARTH in a threefold
trinity which consists of us being physical, mental, and spiritual, beings. The Spiritual
aspect of our being is the one we need to pat attention to. SEEK out your higher SELF
deep within you, your intuition when contacted will guide you into Knowing your true
warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.