Monday 28 October 2024



This blog today entitle ENABLES is about how all motional life in this universe

came into Being  VIA an INTENTION Thought Wave from within Absolute Mind.

All universal life is Relative and this relativity all arises from within Absolute MIND.

Absolute SPIRIT Intelligence is the Singular omnipresent MATRIX of ALL life 

universally, it is the ONE VITAL Ingredient that produces the ENTIFICATION  of

all life universally, humanity included . Behind all life (intelligent energy) lies the

"matrix of spirit" . Spirit is the invisible NOUMENON  the intangible matrix from

which tangible phenomenal life arises out from. Simply put all life universally is spirit

in motion clothed in KOSHIC sheaths and seeking out experiences from that particular

perspective of that one infinitely diverse entity. We need always be very mindful that

although there are countless trillions of differing life form entities in this universe, but

there is ONLY ONE SINGULAR ABSOLUTE SPIRIT. If we look at humanity what do

we find? Well we realize that we have all been on a epic journey of evolution spanning 

billions of years . And we have reached a point in our evolution , which I call the APEX

POINT in our existence, which is our "I AM SELF AWARE consciousness "I AM" I AM

is the name of ABSOLUTE SOURCE  of ALL, some call it "GOD". When we say I AM

we are using that Divine SPIRIT ABSOLUTE  NAME. We can now awaken in Spirit 

SELF AWARENESS, which is in knowing who and what you actually ARE. Which is 

Eternal UNBORN Divine Spirit. You have five dimensional awareness bodies each

body is on a different dimensional conscious level , the physical body layer in the most

dense. Our Astral body is the vehicle we all use at death (change venues) and are ferried 

into the astral realm . When we finally WAKE UP , we will no longer need the astral realms

or have any more need of incarnations here, unless  of course you choose t return.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

soul realization: SEEK WITHIN AWAKEN ME. S W A M .

soul realization: SEEK WITHIN AWAKEN ME. S W A M .: This blog today entitled SWAM is about our being able to make that most important  decision that we will ever make in this life time, and th...

Sunday 27 October 2024



This b log today entitled SWIRLS is about how Absolute Divine SPIRIT is able

to become relative and enter into this relative space time continuum and thereby be

presented as a tangible physical life form entity. Before continuing we need to 

fully understand that all life universally is made out from Pure Absolute Spirit. 

And that all spirit which is ONE Singular Absolute of ALL. that IS and HOLDS

this universe WITHIN its Absolute SELF.  Spirit to become the ENTITY which we

call life has to become taken out from its Absolute Transcendent  Stateless STATE 

and become  LOCALIZED  into this relative space time continuum. SPIRIT is 

Absolute and omnipresent ubiquitous, in order for it to become localized  it has to

become condensed  which is done by a process called a "wormhole Singularity"

which is a light speed vortex that super compresses intangible spirit  essence into

a "Semblance of density"  where is can motion into the "borderlands" between 

Absoluteness and relativity which is the MEMBRANE  barrier between the two states

here in the borderlands before spirit  fully comes into contact with gross matter ,

Elemental Intelligences come into the frame  and cloak the pure spirit essence with 

what is called KOSHIC SHEATHS , these KOSHIC sheaths then allow the spirit 

covered over by these KOSHAS the ability to fully enter into this relative space time

continuum, and become a LIFE BEING ENTITY. LIFE is all Absolute Spirit clothed

in KOSHIC SHEATHS. SPIRIT absolute motionless is called   SPIRIT. SPIRIT 

motioning is called LIFE, that is the equation. SWIRLS addresses the process that

permits SPIRIT absolute to partake in relative experiences here on Earth and all over

this infinite universe,.

warmest regards michael an y feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates with you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

soul realization: UNBORN SPIRIT. U S .

soul realization: UNBORN SPIRIT. U S .:  "WE" have never been born, therefore how could you possibly die?? What is "born" is a vehicle you use to gather experie...

Saturday 26 October 2024

soul realization: DIVINE NEURAL AWAKENING. D N A .

soul realization: DIVINE NEURAL AWAKENING. D N A .:   This blog today entitled DNA is about how we can all awaken into higher levels of consciousness and awareness by going within ourselves an...



This blog today entitled SCREAM is about how when we adopt a way of life

that maybe includes that of daily meditation or yoga, we will then be on a 

path that will begin to open up areas of inner consciousness that was previously

denied to us before we took up this self enquiry mode of inner seeking. Spirituality

in this blog meaning is about inner seeking through meditation or yoga. It is about 

knowing who we truly are , asking that most fundamental question of all which is 

"WHO AM I" REALLY?  By looking deeply within ourselves we will if we persist

eventually find the full answer to that most basic question. By deep inner seeking 

through meditation or yoga we will begin to expand our awareness and consciousness 

levels, our minds will also expand and become more inclusive . We will begin tapping

into levels of divine wisdom that we were completely and totally unaware of before

seeking within ourselves. We will become fully aware that there is a blanket of ignorance

within us, and when made aware of this fact , we will then discover through a perceptive

awareness awakening download into our mind . That we are not here to learn anything,

but rather we are here to "UNCOVER" this layer of IGNORANCE that VEILS our

awareness of our true immortal divine nature,  by taking up a discipline of daily 

meditation  or yoga and venturing deeply within ourselves.  Here within that profound 

inner silence our mind and awareness expand exponentially and we are granted access

to all Divine Wisdom.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this b log resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


soul realization: ETERNAL IDEATIONAL PERIODIC CAUSELESSNESS. ...:   This blog today is about the birth of this universe which occurs periodically over trillions of years in a series of GREAT CYCLES. These c...