Tuesday 15 October 2024



This blog today entitled BOGS is about finding out what the word GRACE actually

means, What is GRACE? Does anybody really know? Many seem to think that grace

is bestowed upon a soul that GOD seems to favour. I think there is a much more direct

answer to this and it brings in to the picture of what we call Natural universal law.

Natural law operates within an infinite capacity and is perfect and automatic in its

operation. This LAW enfolds the totality of all phenomenal bodies within this universe.

When we are in total unity with the law of life expression , there is unity and wholeness

of being. What we call GRACE is the result of a being who through its actions and 

thoughts ALIGNS ITSELF with that part of natural law and the result of that

alignment is seen as a BOON  to the one receiving this GRACE. But when we look 

deeply into this BOON of GRACE  we will find that it is not a GOD who has 

bestowed GRACE on this individual, but  rather it the result of that being aligning

itself with that aspect of natural universal law. So in effect and in fact "WE BESTOW

GRACE UPON OURSELVES" by becoming fully aligned with natural law. Our inner

Higher SELF recognizes this inner unity with universal law and this results in what we

call GRACE or a BOON. Humanity are the BESTOWERS of GRACE upon themselves

when we are aligned with natural law. Cause and effect come into play here , if our 

causes are in line with natural law, then the effects will be beneficial to us all, if not then

the results will not be beneficial to us. Think of the word KARMA?

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then  please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 14 October 2024

Sunday 13 October 2024


This blog today entitled QUEST is about the scientific truth of the fact that everything

within this universe is totally and absolutely connected and interconnected to everything

else. There is ONE infinite intelligent ENERGY FIELD that holds the entire universe

in its awesome and absolute embrace. Interconnectivity all life and stars, all planets, 

each interact with each other. There are zero gaps anywhere in this universe. zero empty

spaces. What we call space is that of ONE INFINITE MEDIUM of Intelligent Energy

in which ALL LIFE, ALL STARS, ALL PLANETS. emerge out from that infinite OCEAN

of SPACE  and then OCCUPY  that portion of space by its PRESENCE within it. Humanity

is fully and totally connected and hopelessly fully entangled within all human life expressed

upon this planet. If we had but "EYES TO SEE" we would SEE the "physical motioning"

(YOU AND ME)  all moving through ONE living intelligent FIELD of intelligent ENERGY.

This FIELD enfolds this entire planet within its loving embrace, each human aura field all

our connected and interconnected within the rest of humanity. if you hurt any being ,knowingly

or unknowingly you too will be hurt this is called the law of CORRESPONDENCE or cause

and effect (KARMA) . Natural LAW is totally and infinitely fully connected and within us all

now. QUEST is about understanding the full implications of this realization and therefore 

acting accordingly within our life time experience. All life is ONE wholly connected 

expression of Divine Intelligent energy. Nothing or no one is ever truly alone or abandoned

by the life principle, because we are all ONE expression of DIVINE MIND.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


soul realization: UNDERSTANDING SPIRIT IS NATURAL GATEWAY. ...:   This blog today entitled USING is about us USING our natural Intuitive powers to begin the task of seeking out the true and lasting nature...

Saturday 12 October 2024



This blog today entitled ILLUSIONS asks the question of whether, does our

human life experiences and expression enable us to seek out and become aware

of this NUMEN presence that dwells within each one of us? The word NUMEN

is a LATIN word meaning "a Presiding divinity or Spirit" this presiding divinity

dwells within every human being on this planet. The question is are you dear reader of this 

blog aware of this fact? ILLUSIONS is about how we can each wake up and become 

acutely aware of what lies deep within us all here upon this Earth plane of expression.

Every human being has an NUMEN ATOM  embedded within our heart chakra , this

holy atom is also called our Higher SELF, or the divine PREENCE that dwells within

us all. This Divine NUMEN presence has ZERO to to with if you belong to any religion

or not, or whether you believe in a GOD or not, or if you are an atheist or a total unbeliever

of anything. This Presence, this indwelling spirit is placed in mankind by natural

universal law. Absolute wisdom places this presence within us all. We each have a 

lower ego personality self, which is bases on memory  since birth and interactions with

others like parents and family members. Then we have an HIGHER SELF which connects

directly into that NUMEN SPIRIT which dwells within our heart chakra. Out human

INTUITION is that inner doorway that will eventually lead us into FULL HIGHER

SELF KNOWING. To find and make contact with our intuition  we need to practice

meditation or yoga. SEEK OUT that inner peace within us, when all thoughts are

stilled, here in the inner silence we will make contact with our intuition  when this is

made we will hear an inner voice whispering to us. This is your Higher SELF the NUMEN

spiritual aspect of your TRUE INNER BEING.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


soul realization: SELF PRESENTED IN RELATIVE INTUITIVE THOUGHT....:   This blog today entitled SPIRIT is about how the SELF which is that of  Absolute Spirit (GOD) became relative  within its "IDEA of MO...