Thursday 17 October 2024



This blog today entitled SHEILD is about the inner nature of LIFE and therefore 

revealing just what is the inner invisible nature of all expressed life universally?

All life in this universe has ONE common DENOMINATOR and that is all life

emerges out from one primordial source and that is Intelligent SPIRIT.  SPIRIT

is the invisible NOUMENON of all LIFE. Life is the visible phenomenon being

presented upon the stage set of relativity. What is seen we call life, what is not seen

is called Spirit. SHIELD is about bringing this immutable fact out for our understanding 

of what is real, and what is an ILLUSION. The ILLUSION is the "APPEARANCE"

which we call life. The reality is the UNSEEN MATRIX of all life expression, which

is that of Divine Spirit intelligence. Life is the "motioning IDEA" the INTENTION

WILL of SPIRIT to bring about MOTION(from an intentional thought) from out of 

motionlessness , and cast this motioning THOUGHT WAVE into the MAELSTROM

of CHAOS  that becomes this relative universe. This INTENTION WAVE was the

PRECURSOR motioning force that therefore enabled life to come into sequence and

begin a journey of evolution which absolute mind brought into being by an IDEA

of WILLED INTENTION. SPIRIT cannot move or experience anything. Spirit is

absolute motionlessness, eternal unborn, omnipresent and ubiquitous, it cannot move

because where could it move to that it was already occupying?  The idea of motion

to SPIRIT would be an ABSURDITY. it is only by spirit becoming RELATIVE  and

therefore LOCALIZING there absoluteness , that it can become a point of reference

in our space time continuum. The intangible spirit becomes tangible life in order to

experience motional interactions within a relative spectrum of expression.

warmest regards  michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

In this blog resonates within you then please pass it ont your family and friends Thanks.

soul realization: VALE OF TEARS EARTH DEFINED. V O T E D .

soul realization: VALE OF TEARS EARTH DEFINED. V O T E D .:  Our journey from stillness (perfection) into motion (imperfection) has been a long and arduous one, we have all been on the move (evolution...

Wednesday 16 October 2024


This blog today entitled SUBLIME is about becoming fully aware of what exactly

all life really is and also to fully understand what lies beneath its outer expression of

those life living formations?  SUBLIME will reveal that the hidden matrix of all life

universally is that of Eternal Spirit. Life is the motional expression of that of the 

eternally motionless divine SPIRIT Intelligence. All life represents an outer phenomenal

appearance of an inner NOUMENON motionless spirit intelligence. We need to 

understand that all universal motion which is that of atomic vibration is the "APPEARANCE"

of that which is invisible and omnipresent , and also Absolute stillness. LIFE "EMERGES"

"MOVES" out from stillness into motion by the Infinite POWER of INTENTION 

from within Absolute MIND.  This whole universe is an "APPEARANCE" of THOUGHT

intentional FOCUSSING which gave birth to all atomic motion, and what arises out of

this ATOMIC VIBRATION  is what we call LIFE. SIMPLY PUT,  life is the "APPEARANCE"

of SPIRIT clothed in dimensional awareness layers of KOSHIC sheaths which keep spirit 

from coming into contact with gross matter. This whole universe is just an "APPEARANCE"

in the mind  of the ABSOLUTE Intelligent Singular SOURCE  of all that IS and will ever BE.

When we become mindful of the old adage that APPEARANCES can be DECEPTIVE, just

like the word "SEEMS" to be safe?? BUT IS IT! We that of humanity are all LIFE on the 

outer appearance, and all SPIRIT within our core matrix of being. SUBLIME lays out the

journey and the sequence of our motioning life experiences, and our awakening into the

full realization of our true and eternal divine noble heritage.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

soul realization: THOUGHT IS MOTIONAL ENERGY. T I M E .

soul realization: THOUGHT IS MOTIONAL ENERGY. T I M E .:  For me this universe is basically a  product of thought, an intention to cause motion by that of a thought wave manifesting within the Abso...

Tuesday 15 October 2024



This blog today entitled BOGS is about finding out what the word GRACE actually

means, What is GRACE? Does anybody really know? Many seem to think that grace

is bestowed upon a soul that GOD seems to favour. I think there is a much more direct

answer to this and it brings in to the picture of what we call Natural universal law.

Natural law operates within an infinite capacity and is perfect and automatic in its

operation. This LAW enfolds the totality of all phenomenal bodies within this universe.

When we are in total unity with the law of life expression , there is unity and wholeness

of being. What we call GRACE is the result of a being who through its actions and 

thoughts ALIGNS ITSELF with that part of natural law and the result of that

alignment is seen as a BOON  to the one receiving this GRACE. But when we look 

deeply into this BOON of GRACE  we will find that it is not a GOD who has 

bestowed GRACE on this individual, but  rather it the result of that being aligning

itself with that aspect of natural universal law. So in effect and in fact "WE BESTOW

GRACE UPON OURSELVES" by becoming fully aligned with natural law. Our inner

Higher SELF recognizes this inner unity with universal law and this results in what we

call GRACE or a BOON. Humanity are the BESTOWERS of GRACE upon themselves

when we are aligned with natural law. Cause and effect come into play here , if our 

causes are in line with natural law, then the effects will be beneficial to us all, if not then

the results will not be beneficial to us. Think of the word KARMA?

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then  please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 14 October 2024