Tuesday 24 July 2018

When Awakening Truthful Consciousness Happens. W A T C H Part Two.

When awakening, truthful consciousness happens, does this then imply that before awakening
our consciousness was untrue? Not necessarily so, it really depends on the way you were living before your awakening. In my life before a dawning broke upon my aching brain, my state of
consciousness and mind was in a complete and total mess, wrapped up in pain and delusion and
sick in mind, body and soul, so for me personally, before I woke up,my consciousness and thoughts
were primarily of a negative nature, full of self pity, fear, and isolation, and constantly lying to
I seemingly had to go through a major life threatening crisis, before I was ready to look within
myself, and find out who I really was. Not all of us need a major crisis, or a good kick up the ass!
Before we become willing to look at our lives, and make changes, although many of us seem to need
this, I have also known some that just thought their lives seemed rather shallow, and then decided to
look within them selves and by doing so effected positive changes in their lives.
We all in general have an awakening moment in our life, a sudden dawning, a profound insight that
flashes into your consciousness, that can leave you stunned. These flashes of insight, these intuitive
flashes we get at times,most often when we are in a crisis, are an inner beckon calling out to you
to pay attention, ponder on from where did this inner voice actually come from? The word intuition
literally means "to be taught from within" have you ever asked yourself, who is this inner teacher
that is communicating to me? Many of you reading this blog today, will be familiar  with the phrase
"that still small voice within us" That voice that perhaps some of you reading this now, have personally experienced,where do you think this voice comes from? Well really it comes from YOU
your higher self, or soul, if we really paid attention to this inner voice, we would beginning to bring
about a personal awakening within us. We would be embarking on a journey within ourselves, where
we would leave the "surface tension"of consciousness, and begin diving into the depths of an inner
reality we were completely unaware of before.
The word watch can mean to pay attention,are we content to stay in the shallows of life? Or do we want to find some depth and meaning to our existence? If we do all you need to really do, is to look
within yourself, take up something like regular  meditation or yoga, and see where it leads you to.
The choice as always dear reader is yours to make.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feed back welcome Facebook Soul realization.

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