Thursday 19 July 2018

Humans Are Vehicles Incorporating Numinosity's Grace.=H A V I N G .

When I was a young man, and never been kissed,(perhaps I was not that handsome)  anyway at
times I might behave in such a way, that it would get someones back up, To which so much so, that they would say, "who the hell do you think you are!" To which I would smugly say, I have not got
the remotest idea my friend, and walk away thinking I was exceedingly clever.
The real truth as it was then, was that I really did not have a clue who I really was, other than my
name, where I was born,and occupation, I was completely ignorant as to who I really was.
I  was not alone in this identity ignorance however, I discovered over the coming years that there
were literally tens of millions like me, maybe you reading this are one of those ignorant ones like
me and all the other millions?  I am absolutely sure that I would have remained ignorant for the whole of my life, unless a major life threatening crisis had not presented itself to me. This crisis
was the major turning point in my life,without this crisis,I would have died ignorant as to my true
identity many years ago now.
At the time of this crisis, when it was in its full blown painful presence, if anyone had told me then
that this agony filled crisis was actually a "blessing in disguise" I would have punched their lights
out! Its only after the crisis subsided that I began seeing positive effects arising out of the ashes
of my painful past.
The real turning point was when I realized that other souls had been in the same crisis as I had, and
that they were helping out each other,meeting in groups and offering to share their experience with
you, so I got involved with other like minded souls. It was at this time I became attracted to meditation, it seemed to issue a magnetic beckoning toward me and an urge to look within myself.
This started me of on a journey that I am still embarking on after over forty three years. Meditation
as I began to understand was the science of "inner knowing" rather than just hopefully believe  in
something, I began to instinctively know that "this was so" it was an experience of experiencing
the action of Knowing? Which was vastly different than just believing something. I tried many
forms of meditation over the years, but now just keep it real simple, sit down, cross my legs or
ankles if its difficult for you, keep the spine as straight as is comfortable for you, close your eyes,
look at the point where the eyelids meet, and focus your gaze there, then just observe your breath,
breathing in and out in a balanced and easy manner, then let go of all thoughts. simply ignore them
all, this takes lots of regular practice, it sounds easy to just say, let go of all your thoughts! But it is far from easy, as you will find out if you try. Start with just five minutes, then when that is easy, add another five, and so on.
Tomorrow will talk about soul discovery, and how wwe are just vehicles, that is in part two.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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