Tuesday 31 July 2018

We Are Reflective Principles. W A R P

What is the reflective principle that we are? The answer to that question is "LIFE",we are all
functioning within this principle of LIFE, and that there is only ONE LIFE that exists within
this universe. So what are we then, that our functioning within the absolute principle of this
thing called LIFE?
If we just look at us,the human race, what are we basically? We are all self aware units of
consciousness,which all seem to be what could be termed as individual souls, and that these
souls  are all embedded within what is called a physical body, or more accurately a vehicle
for the indwelling soul to experience expression upon this earth plane.
So we are all LIFE, and we are all experiencing it through the "prism" of our self-aware
consciousness, which "seems" to suggest that we are all individual souls, experiencing what
is commonly called human life expression. And as we motion through these daily experiences
LIFE the eternal principle of all reality, reflects exactly back to us, what we put out.This could
be seen as perhaps the law of cause and effect, or even Karma,and of course it does include all
of this, however in this particular blog,I want to focus on that fact that life reflects back to us
exactly what we put out, every single moment we are on this earth plane, and to further mention
that LIFE is totally detached from any results forthcoming from our actions, if we purposefully
harm ourselves, or are kind to ourselves, life is disinterested in our petty motions.
However though, its reflective power is ever operative and online, and this is I feel important
to mention.
I came across this LIFE reflective principle many years ago, when I was very ill with an addictive
illness, that brought me to the point that I was given three months to live. I was offered help for my
problem, from others who had the same problem as me, but they were all recovering from it.
These people who were there to help, were like "living ambassadors of the LIFE principle" because
they showed me what they called "tough love" they offered me a way of living that would keep me
well, I said that I don't want to do that, "they" said okay don't bother then! Then I said I don't like
these meetings, "they" said the door into this room swings both ways, if you don't like it here, then
leave, we will refund your misery to you! I then said if I walk out of here,I will surely die, "they" said
okay then stay, and listen. You might just find something here that you identify with.
That occurred over four decades ago now, and I have paid attention as to what LIFE actually IS.
How many of us have said, I can't be bothered to go to work today? Then realising that if we do not go, we will not be able to pay our mortgage,or rent next month.LIFE would not intervene with our
decisions, whether we went to work, or stayed home, and got evicted for not paying our rent,or mortgage, we are the product of all our decisions, whether they be positive or negative.
Will explore this more tomorrow in part two. Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome facebook Soul Realization.

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