Friday 6 July 2018

Examining Emotions Reality Implications Explored. =E E R I E . Part Two/

There may well be the "appearance" of many emotions, but in truth this is an illusion,as we live
and experience within a "seemingly"dual based reality. We see what "appears"to be endless
opportunities, that endlessly seem to present themselves, but if we look behind the expressed
phenomena , you will only find ONE FORCE in evidence. Science, in particular quantum
and unified field theory, all purport that there is just ONE FORCE-ENERGY within this universe
they have even started to call this ONE FORCE Consciousness. This one force also applies to what
we call emotion, and the implication here is that there can only really be ONE "E" motion operating
within what we call humanity. This one emotion is called "LONGING" and from this primal
energy, which arises and falls within the Soul, comes all the "other"manifestations and degrees of
positive and negative connotations. Longing is wholly inclusive, it is love unconditional at its
highest level of the spectrum, and just liking someone at its lowest. The energy that arises due to
our almost limitless frustrations, are egocentric self centered behavior, all these struggles as the
ignorant soul (human being) searching in its own way for unity, (albeit mostly unconsciously)
anger, greed, hate, lust,affection,niceness, etc, are all egocentric self centered "explorations"as
to how can I find my way HOME to wholeness and UNITY.
The word Emotion is i feel wrongly applied to this phenomena of energy arising from within
the heart chakra, this is due to our vast ignorance of who and what we really ARE. As mentioned
yesterday the "E" which prefixes the word motion if understood from the perspective of a soul
realized  person, would be somewhat meaningless,rather the prefix and the addition of the word
love-motion would be better suited. The letter "E" in this sole instance, as the prefix to motion
reveals some very interesting aspects if you look deeply into the shape of the letter."E" has tree
parallel lines,the top two lines represent the ego and the concrete mind, the last parallel changes
the letter to L which is the beginning of LOVE? To find our way back to the UNITY and WHOLENESS that is all our ultimate destiny, we need to deflate our egos by gaining a modicum
of humility each day,and re-cog-nise that LONGING comes from a magnetic pulse which pulsates
from within the heart chakra, it is the silent message of your soul, calling you HOME. Be true to
your inner SELF, dear reader of this blog, and starting today, look within yourself, and if you do
that, and sit quietly in meditation, you will discover a wonderful living JEWEL within you, and that
living JEWEL is WHO YOU REALLY ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

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