Friday 27 July 2018

Grace Opened Door. G O D

Have any of you now reading this blog, have ever said when witnessing something sad or upsetting
there but for the grace of God go "I"? What then is the grace of God? Would we really know if we
actually received it?These are questions that will sometimes arise within our minds, so what then
is grace?  The dictionary describes grace as "smoothness and elegance of movement" honour and
dignity. If we look at what we really are, what are we really? The simple answer is that we are LIFE
because we are living beings, could not grace actually be a recognition of that living principle?
If that were so, that would beg the question as to who and what was actually recognising  the life
form in question? The one that grace had just visited? Could grace actually be likened to that still
small voice within us all? Perhaps the whole of humanity is actually "overshadowed" by this
Living Grace Principle?  If we view LIFE as the very embodiment of an eternal principle, and that
the physical body is just a receptacle for the LIFE Force to embody while gathering experience
here on earth, then it would further make sense for this living life force to watch out for its receptacle
at times of trial and sickness, and to at times offer inner words of comfort to sustain the connection
of its receptacle? So when we say things like the Grace of God, we are actually saying that LIFE
that eternal principle is taking care of its projection into this gross physical realm. And when this occurs at its most intense expression, it becomes most notable to us, and can be seen by us as what
is called a miracle, but we miss the other more subtle signs of grace, because they are far less
obvious to us.
The principle of LIFE expressed as GRACE could be seen broken down to reveal this; Gathering
Reeling-Accepting-Consciously-Endearing=GRACE, in other words LIFE looks after its OWN!
We are all looked after by LIFE, because we ARE LIFE, and life LOVES ITSELF, and itself is
also you dear reader of this blog today!  We can maybe misunderstand this LOVE of LIFE and
think, what about me! My life is a complete mess, and I am in pain! Where is the grace in my life
then? Why am I suffering? I can identify with this question, because my early years were full of suffering and pain, but once I realised that it was me that was doing all this,like holding my hand
in the fire and getting it burnt and then blaming the fire for burning me! Why did I not remove my
hand? We need to understand that we all have a responsibility and if we hit our toe with a hammer
it will hurt us!
Will explore this further tomorrow in part two, Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul realisation.

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