Thursday 12 July 2018

Nothing Is Real Verify Answers Numinous Awareness. -N I R V A N A Part Two.

Nirvana, The abode of perfect peace. This planet Earth could certainly do with all the peace
it can muster. Nothing or no-thing,is real, verify answers given, to find reality and to understand
truth we always need first is to understand the "BOTTOM LINE"when you fully understand the
bottom line, all else will simply fit into place. What then is the Bottom Line? The bottom line
that underpins this universe and all of its manifestations, is that  "all things,ALL condense into
ONE THING,quantum physics, and unified field theory all attest to this reality (look it up on
on Google) the One thing that is reality is whatever suits your idea, (But remember please that
whatever you choose, is exactly the same as the other names that will now follow!)  You can use
energy, which many quantum scientists use, or some now use the name of Consciousness as the
primal and only force within the universe,they have yet to make the last "quantum jump" and call
it what it basically IS, that of Spirit/Life.
So when you know that ALL is ONE and that ONE is ALL, this then makes understanding very
easy. There is only ONE TRUTH,and only ONE REALITY, and only ONE THING! There is in
absolute reality no such thing as THINGS, there can be NO PLURALS in  absolute reality, just
the SINGULAR.  While we live within this physical form, this vehicle for the soul, we all have
the "appearance of duality" and the "appearance" of many different things, but any of these "things"
examined under an electron microscope, would just reveal energy, atoms force, all one thing
appearing different on the "SURFACE" look beneath the surface and its all the very same THING!
This truth equally applies to all of US, there are just over seven billion souls upon this Earth, but
there is only one LIFE/SPIRIT? We are all just REFLECTIONS of the ONE, nothing more, we are
all facets of the ONE JEWEL. We are spirit FIRST.SOULS second, and vehicles for the soul third.
That is the order of all our expression.if you look within yourself you will ultimately find this truth
awaiting to be unfolded within you, then you will know exactly who you are!  This is called
NUMINOUS awareness, which literally means to be aware of the spirit within YOU! NIRVANA
the abode of peace lies within your heart, by going within and taking your gaze from outward
looking to inward looking, you will find that place of peace within yourself, and when you find
that, you will see that ONE is all and all is ONE, and realize that you are forever safe and secure because you are firmly and eternally locked within this ONE LIFE/SPIRIT.
May each of you reading this, find that inner peace. Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed,(never get any!) Facebook Soul Realization.

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