Sunday 8 July 2018

Pure Unconditional Love Leads Into Numinous Gravity. =P U L L I N G Part Two.

As mentioned yesterday, Albert Einstein knew that gravity was really unconditional love, but also
knew, that at the time when he wrote that letter to his Daughter Lieserl Einstein, that science was
NOT ready or prepared to accept this most radial idea! Science would have to wait another few
decades before this idea would be accepted, with the latest understanding in the UNIFIED FIELD
THEORY, they are very close to accepting this idea of Einsteins. Gravity attracts in exactly the same
ratio as does love, that is because in truth they are the same thing.Big hearted people like Nelon
Mandela who I mentioned yesterday, and today would like to mention,Mahatma Gandhi,1869-1948
whose quoted this,"Where there is love, there is life" unquote, Gandhi was a man who stood out from the rest of the crowd,he was a man who believed so deeply that thousands followed him, his heart
was so big that thousands orbited around his love/gravity/ centered heart. He had courage and bravery
beyond the average man, he had a vision, and he died or was killed by one that opposed that most noble vision.
The last noble soul to be mentioned here is Mother Teresa,1910 1997,her quote was"Peace begins
with a smile"unquote,  this small frail looking woman, was a human dynamo of action and acceptance, she was known throughout this planer, was awarded the noble peace prize, she mixed
with Popes, royalty, heads of world governments, poor destitute souls, prostitutes, and everyone
in between, she had a courage of her convictions, a faith that amazed millions, and was loved by
those from almost every country on the planet, she too had an enormous heart, and attracted pulled
towards her by the love/gravity that issued out from her soul.
This constant pull of gravity can be likened to the unceasing beckoning of the Absolutes love-
tugging at our deepest core. The invitation is open at all times, are we going to wake up to this
tugging of Divine love beckoning us home? This pull is unconditional love/gravity. No one is
being spared.
Unbeknown  to us all is that we are all really the embodiment  of love, crystallized and shaped into
the form called a human being, pure love is spirit, we are in effect crystallized spirit, condensed and
vastly slowed down in vibrational frequency, and portrayed in this manner called humanity. Love
Gravity is the universal beckon that is PULLING HOME all its CHARGES however long it takes
we as humans are at the apex of this frequency, and are consciously self-aware of what love really
is, therefore we all have the opportunity to tune into this inner tugging and begin our journey back
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome, (never get any!) Facebook Soul Realization.

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